pharc4 in good shape
       Saturday Jan  4  6:54:53 2014
       Today I've been working hard on 'pharc4' which will be known as 
       'pharc v.4.0' when it is released, some time during the current year. 
       This is what I usually do:
       I release 'pharc v.X' and use it. Once it has been successful, I 
       start working on the next version that I call 'pharcX' until it is 
       ready for release. The good/bad thing about it is that I usually 
       finish the coding part during January and I do not release until the 
       end of the year, so I can procrastinate a little bit for almost one 
       entire year!
       Well, after all, the hardest part is already done (31 git commits 
       today), so I can take my time. When the release date is near, I work 
       on the .deb package and update the wiki page to reflect the changelog 
       with longer explanations. And last but not least I check that the 
       cron job is ok. At the moment of the release 'pharcX' becomes 'pharc 
       To tell you the truth, most of today's commits were very simple, 
       comments and cosmetic stuff but the most important objective for this 
       version is already achieved: Add functionality to choose the year of 
       the archive.
       'pharc' is meant to be used non-interactively. The idea behind it, is 
       that you can be celebrating New Year's Eve with your family and 
       friends and meanwhile, 'pharc' is working for you and archiving all 
       the blog posts of the year. BUT, in case you want to use it 
       interactively, it has some added options that allow you to do that. 
       In short, it can work interactively or non-interactively. It is up to 
       you to decide.
       And again, no, it is not a great piece of software. I'm not a 
       programmer, just a hobbyist. It started as a script for personal use 
       that is maintained and slightly improved after its publication back 
       in 2011.
       I hope you find it useful and have as much fun as I do while working 
       on it.
       ps, also, one of the reasons why I've been working so hard on it, is 
       that it is raining outside so I have to stay in. That's the truth :p
       Links to pharc:
       pharc git repo:
       pharc wiki:
       gopherhole: gopher://
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