pharc flowchart
       Tuesday Jan  7 10:35:02 2014
       Long ago, a friend of mine insisted on several occasions that I 
       should draw flow diagrams in order to organize ideas in my mind when 
       writing shell scripts. I didn't pay a lot of attention to his idea 
       until yesterday, when I seriously started thinking about how good his 
       idea was.
       So I got down to it and installed 'dia' in my laptop. It is a very 
       nice gui application for drawing flowcharts. Then I moved to another 
       machine and then to another one, so I decided to install 'dia' in my 
       raspi and use it in my local network using X11 forwarding. So far so 
       good, but then I thought: What if I can't access my network and I 
       feel the need to draw diagrams? Well, I finally ended up drawing in 
       google docs :(
       And here is my first flowchart. I know it may not be perfect, but it 
       is not bad for the first one. I drew the flow process for 'pharc' my 
       'phlog archiver' script.
       Here is to you, my good friend, 
 (IMG) pharc flowchart
       This picture is a static image. You can always find an up-to-date 
       version of the flowchart at:
 (HTM) flowchart
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1