The Mont-rebei gorge
       Saturday Apr  5  5:22:17 2014
       Today I visited the gorge of Mont-rebei. It is absolutely gorgeous 
       (no pun intended). I had only been there once in my life, but that 
       was probably 10 years ago. The route has changed a lot. They have 
       improved the paths and it is a blast to walk from East to West. You 
       can do it in 4 hours. We took a bit longer because we stopped to have 
       a sandwich. We were hungry ;)
       I woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning and arrived at the gorge at 8 
       o'clock. Back home after drinking a nice fresh beer and buying some 
       bread in Tolva for tomorrow. 
       There were many people climbing the mountains. We have been talking 
       to them for a while, meeting new friends. It is always a great 
       I have also discovered that I should go out to the mountains more 
       often instead of sitting all day at the computer, because it's been a 
       really great day out.
       Here you are some pics:
 (IMG) Me at Mont-rebei
 (IMG) Mont-rebei gorge
 (IMG) Mont-rebei lake
 (IMG) Mont-rebei rocks
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