pharc v.4.0 released
       Saturday Jun  7  5:40:02 2014
       Today I released pharc v.4.0 !!!
       Last year I released v.3.0 on December the 18th which was a bit like
       too late, wasn't it? Well, in the phlog post I explained that I wanted
       to make several changes but those changes never came into being.
       This year the changelog is full of things because I added several
       options, apart from doing a lot of testing.
       Changelog for version 4.0:
            * Changed shebang to #!/bin/sh to make script more portable.
            * Improved if[...]else statements to make script more robust.
            * Added functionality to choose year of archive.
            * Added functionality to specify several years in one go.
            * Added '-l|--list' option to list unarchived phlog posts.
            * Logging by default to "$HOME/pharc.log"
            * Split code into functions.
            * Added option '-d|--delete to delete the log file.
       As you can see, I've been very busy. But still there is a lot of work
       to do. Mainly, adding an option to archive all the unarchived post at
       once. It is in the TODO:
            * Add '-A|--all' option to archive all years at once.
       It will hopefully be implemented for next version which is for 2015.
       Here is a list of links pointing to pharc:
       You can find all pharc versions here (Including the .deb package):
 (DIR) Downloads
       And as usual the git repository is hosted at gitorious:
 (HTM) pharc git repo
       The wiki is located here:
 (HTM) pharc wiki
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1