Git gopher
       Tuesday Oct 21  1:51:17 2014
       The idea of storing the contents of a gopher hole  in a 
       git repository suddenly came to my mind this morning. I 
       have never tried it but I am pretty sure other people 
       already do it. I will investigate a little bit.
       The concept is very simple. You keep a clone of your gopher 
       hole directory (and therefore, your data) in your 
       computer and whenever you update the contents of the gopher 
       site, you can push the changes to the remote server which 
       will immediately show the updates online.
       Simple concept but incredibly handy and powerful at the 
       same time.
       UPDATE: I have finally set up a new git repository to track 
       the files served by the gopher server at sdfeu. The git repo
       is hosted at gitorious:
        * The gitorious repository:
        * The cloning address:
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1