Merry Christmas and Happy New 2015
       Thursday Dec 25 12:51:00 2014
       Today is Christmas Day, a day to be with your family rather than 
       writing a phlog post, but what can I do? I haven't posted a lot of 
       stuff this year on my phlog and I will probably not post too much 
       before the end of the year, so let's spend 5 minutes on it.
       My family is about to come home for lunch so I do not have more than 
       the above mentioned 5 minutes ;)
       Let's summarize 2014 in five minutes then:
        - I released pharc v.4 and my hopes are that it will work fine as it 
          usually does. On January 1st, 2015 my phlog posts will all be 
          archived. (I have made backups, just in case. You must trust your 
          own abilities, but only to a certain extent).
        - A good friend passed away. Too sad to talk about.
        - Another good friend had a baby child born.
        - I got a new job and I am still adapting to it. It is the first time
          in my life that I get paid for using a computer and it feels a 
          little bit weird. I hope that 2015 is a great year workwise.
       As you can see, life has its ups and downs and we have to live 
       through them until the final end. Which I hope is far, very far away.
       I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and lots of love!
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1