Overbite for Android
       Sunday Jan 10  9:12:11 2016
       Yesterday I installed Overbite for Android on my smartphone. I can 
       only say one thing: It works like a charm :)
       I got it from http://gopher.floodgap.com/overbite/d?android
       The interface is neat and clean. You are presented, among other 
       links, with Veronica-2, a search engine to find whatever you want to 
       on gopherspace.
       I did a couple of searches, one to find my own gopher hole (it found 
       it without a problem) and another one to find random stuff (again it 
       worked flawlessly).
       Apart from the search engine, there are links to all the known gopher 
       servers on the gophersphere.
       I do not know why I had not installed it before, but they say it is 
       better late than never :) 
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1