When you play the Game of Thrones...
       Thursday Jul  7  7:56:30 2016
       Last week I started watching Game of Thrones and after finishing 
       Season 2 I must say, "Man, I'm really hooked on it". 
       At first I was reluctant to start watching the series, I had seen 
       some scenes and I thought it was just a nice fiction based on the 
       Middle Ages, and well, to a certain extent, it is true, but when you 
       mix it with black magic and dragons: 
       What happened was, I liked all chapters of the first season, it is 
       good enough to catch your attention, but the ending of the finale is 
       so spectacular that you just cannot help following season 2.
       The finale of season 2 is great as well, along the lines of season 1 
       and here I am writing my thoughts about it just before start playing 
       the first chapter of season 3. 
       The title of this post is a quote of the series, the queen (Lena 
       Headey) says: "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. 
       There is no middle ground." Now I understand why the series caused 
       such a great impression on millions of followers. Count me as one.  
       (Might continue after I finish watching other seasons)
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