Void Linux
       Monday Jun 12  1:13:08 2017
       In the past I used to spend hours and hours trying new GNU/Linux 
       distributions. I also occasionally played with some BSD, Solaris or 
       any other OSs I could find.
       Suddenly, things changed drastically since I settled with debian. I am
       so used to using it that I do not feel very much attracted to any 
       other distro.
       However, today I heard about Void linux, a relatively new distribution
       which is quite different from all the rest:
        - It has a different init system (runit)
        - It has its own package management system (xbps)
        - It is a rolling distribution, no point releases.
       Well, I downloaded one of their live systems and I must say it is 
       worth giving it a try, it works well and it is fast. It also has a 
       wide variety of desktop environments to choose from.
       To learn more about it visit: https://www.voidlinux.eu/
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1