gopher, git, mercurial
       Sunday Jun 10  8:57:25 2018
       My gopherhole used to be a rather static thing in the sense that
       once created, I hardly ever updated it, but when I started my phlog
       everything changed, adding content on a regular basis forced me to
       make decissions and I ended up creating a git repo in my hole.
       I hosted it on gitorious but once it was acquired by gitlab I 
       switched to gitlab and I must admit that I am very happy with it.
       The workflow was adding content to my sdfeu phlog, and pushing it to 
       gitlab but I couldn't pull from sdf since I am only arpa there.
       What I did was creating a mirror using lftp which works like a charm
       but currently there is no lftp installed here, and I cannot use lftp
       on sdf either so I cannot change the direction of the mirror.
       Another alternative would be using mercurial on sdf, which I have
       access to, but unfortunately there is no mercurial on sdfeu either.
       What I did, to cut a pretty long story short, was a link on sdf
       to my phlog at sdfeu, this way and maybe only momentarily, the 
       static content remains the same and the phlog points here.
       Maybe not the best solution, but it works, converting git to 
       mercurial would be too much work, and when I request new software I 
       must remember to ask for lftp and mercurial here on sdfeu.
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1