In a fortnight... pharc!
       Sunday Dec 16  7:04:55 2018
       In a fornight, pharc, my phlog archiver, will have to face its 
       toughest test of the year which simply put is doing its work and doing
       it well.
       I do yearly archives using a cron job since 2011 but I started 
       logging one year later (in 2012). Today I was taking a look at 
       pharc.log and I noticed that the end of the year has been from Monday 
       to Sunday skipping Friday, my favourite day of the week. This is the 
       full log:
       Mon Dec 31 23:55:00 UTC 2012 Archiving phlog posts...
       Mon Dec 31 23:55:03 UTC 2012 You are done now.
       Tue Dec 31 23:55:01 UTC 2013 Archiving phlog posts...
       Tue Dec 31 23:55:03 UTC 2013 You are done now. Thanks for using pharc!
       Wed Dec 31 23:55:01 UTC 2014 Archiving 2014 posts...
       Wed Dec 31 23:55:01 UTC 2014 Done. Thanks for using pharc!
       Thu Dec 31 23:55:01 UTC 2015 Archiving 2015 posts...
       Thu Dec 31 23:55:01 UTC 2015 Done. Thanks for using pharc!
       Sat Dec 31 23:55:01 UTC 2016 Archiving 2016 posts...
       Sat Dec 31 23:55:01 UTC 2016 Done. Thanks for using pharc!
       Sun Dec 31 23:55:01 UTC 2017 Archiving 2017 posts...
       Sun Dec 31 23:55:01 UTC 2017 Done. Thanks for using pharc!
       Even though this is perfectly understandable due to the existence of 
       leap years it is a curious thing anyway. 
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1