Shortlisting software
       Friday Mar 15 10:11:01 2019
       Last night I had some trouble with one of my FreeBSD installations on
       a SSD. The ZFS filesystem broke with an error message I was not able 
       to find on the internet. Therefore I could not fix it and so I decided
       to reinstall it again.
       Installing FreeBSD without any additional components (no ports, no 32
       compat libraries) is a blast. It only takes 5 or 10 minutes. After 
       the base system installation I installed xorg and then I had to think 
       (again) what basic software I need to survive at the command line. The
       shortlisting was quick:
        # pkg install dwm elinks mc most nano screen st surf tabbed wget
       And I can almost do anything I need to with those. It is true that I
       use other web browsers, for example firefox for banking and other 
       similar stuff and some variant of mplayer for multimedia stuff, but 
       apart from that I do not need any other fancy software for my 
       everyday computing. Later will come git
       Have an awesome weekend guys :)
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1