Wrapping phlog posts at 70 characters
       Saturday Apr 20 12:43:23 2019
       I use lynx as gopher client. When sdf/eu had bucktooth as gopher 
       server I could read texts even if they had lines 80 characters long. 
       So I didn't really care if my text editor aligned 70 or 80 chars. I 
       used one or the other quite carelessly even though some people had 
       complained they couldn't properly read some or my phlog posts.
       Well, now since we have gophernicus, not even I can read some of my 
       posts with 80 chars per line. Therefore this is a situation I have to 
       I started last night wrapping text correctly for gophernicus using
       'fold' like this:
        $ fold -w 70 -s gophermap
       "w" stands for width and "s" makes text break at spaces and not cut
       This works really great, but it sometimes breaks the layout of some 
       posts so I have to manually revise and tweak them. Not a big deal, 
       just a reminder that you have to do things well from the start: "All's
       well that begins well"  ;)
       From now on I have: set fill 70 in my .nanorc
       On a side note, gophernicus seems reluctant to show text that is 
       prepended with some signs like #, * or - so I have to indent some 
       lines to make it work. 
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1