Publishing from a text file
       Sunday Apr 21  7:56:25 2019
       I am so glad this mkphlog feature still works so well! I had not tried
       it in years but today I felt like doing so and this post is the proof.
       mkphlog has this option:
         -s    Run the script in silent mode. As long as a file
               with the post is specified, the script will publish
               the post without prompting the user for any information
               If no title is specified, the title is the filename.
               (Underscore characters are considered spaces).
       So if you for example write a text file like this one named: 
       Publishing_from_a_text_file and call mkphlog like this:
        $ mkphlog -s Publishing_from_a_text_file 
       Your post will be published in your gopherhole right away. Ok let's do
       et voila!
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1