On why unix root vs. user sucks big time (read is pure shit)
       Sunday Sep 20  1:10:26 2020
       A linux user since 2005 I have come to realize that its philosophy is 
       pure shit when it comes to root vs. user management.
       I have exclusively used linux (unix like) operating systems for 15 
       years. At home I am the root user but at work I am a simple user with 
       no privileges at work. We have no internet access at all.  We cannot 
       install any new software and what is worse, whenever we make a mistake
       we have to call the root users to fix it, since we are not allowed to 
       fix it ourselves.
       This is nonsense, we must use the shitty bespoke software the company 
       uses, but if we make a mistake we cannot fix it because we do not have
       the privileges to overwrite data on the database. 
       This only makes things slow and clumpsy, the workforce to make things 
       right is more expensive than it should be since a simple correction 
       takes two or three people involved to fix it.
       I am not complaining because I do not like the job. I do like my job a
       lot. I only find that the workflow is not as fluid as it should be. 
       The final conclusion is always the same: "They want it this way, they 
       got it. No matter what the cost."
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1