Installing bullseye with LXQt
       Friday Dec 31 10:49:22 2021
       My first lenovo laptop, hostname xana, had not been upgraded in a 
       while (5 years or more). So a full upgrade to bullseye was likely to 
       fail. I tried, I tried but in the end I had to wipe the entire disk 
       and install a basic graphical desktop to make it usable until I can 
       configure it the way I like (you know i3, and the kind of geeky stuff 
       we love so much)
       In the meantime, I have to admit that LXQt is pretty small and 
       pleasant. One of the things I liked the most because I wasn't 
       expecting it, is the drop-down QtTerminal (Quake style). It was nice 
       to use one of them after so many years. It brings back memories...
       This really is the last post of the year at 22:49 so:
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1