Microsoft Edge on linux
       Sunday Jul 17  8:23:59 2022
       I found out by chance that the Microsoft Edge browser was based on
       Chromium and also that you could install it on linux. So I had to try
       NOTE: I never use Edge at work, I either use Firefox or Chrome but at
       home I use Chromium a lot so I thought there would not be 
       many differences between them (Edge and Chromium, that is).
       I have only used Edge twice because I have not yet had the chance to
       fully configure it to my liking but so far I must say that 
       it is a pretty usable and fast browser. I guess I will have to edit
       this post a couple of times more... as work progresses.
       You can download it (.deb or .rpm) from:
       (In the process of writing my first update I thought that microsoft
       must have hired some linux experts in order to port Edge to linux).
       UPDATE 18-07-22: I tweaked the theme and installed an add blocker 
       that works like a charm. Yes like
       UPDATE 19-07-22: Bing start page is full of hideous clickbait.
       No like
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