Rainy days are good for productivity
       Thursday Nov  2 12:08:33 2023
       I took Thursday and Friday off to be able to sow carrots, garlic,
       radish and the like. 
       Yesterday I fisnished sowing garlic, but I didn't have enough time to
       do other things.
       Well, today it is raining and I cannot do any work in the garden so I
       will spend most of the day inside doing "other" things. Among all
       those things I took some time early this morning to update our local
       So looking at the updates in the website, one can immediately know
       the weather is not good, otherwise, I can only do that at the
       The lastest updates are not huge changes, one of them consists in
       automatically update the date of each change and another one is
       making public the script I use to update the page. I think that
       transparency is a great thing especilly for younger generations to
       learn how things are done.
       I also took some minutes to post this here (I had not written
       anything in my phlog for months)
       Have a great week!!!
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1