Assigning a value to a variable on the fly
       Tuesday Dec 19  7:28:12 2023
       I already told you on other posts that I always start my scripts like
       set -e
       set -u
       set -x
       The very next two things are:
        # Paths
        # Variables
       I also told you that I really love using positional parameters
       because they come in really really handy on many occasions.
       Especially if you already know the value of those variables/options
       The problem I faced the other day was that I did not know the posible
       value of a variable until the script was running. It might sometimes
       be expected and then I would include them in a 'case' but what if the
       value was not in the 'case' 'esac' statement.
       The solution I found was using the 'read' command. I think it is the
       best way to do it, the only downside is that it needs user action
       when running the script, but well, it is a small prize to pay in my
       specific use case this time.
       Pretty kewl :)
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1