(DIR) Floodgap Systems gopher root
       <- 67 chars ------------------------------------------------------>
       Welcome to the Toybox, a sample set of gophermaps so you can see
       how to create your own. This simple set demonstrates external
       links, informational text lines, and local files and directories.
       Open this up in another window so you can compare:
 (TXT) Toybox: See the contents of the Toybox gophermap
       This works with Bucktooth (and SDF), pygopherd, and any server
       compatible with the gophermap menu format.
       The 67 character display string length is a suggestion for
       compatibility with older clients.
       These lines have no tabs in them, so they are shown as text.
       <- 67 chars ------------------------------------------------------>
       These lines have tabs, so they are links (to a local directory):
 (DIR) Toybox: See the contents of the gopherstuff/ directory
       (since the gopherstuff/ directory has no gophermap, it's simply listed
 (TXT) Toybox: Link to a text file in the gopherstuff/ directory
 (GIF) Toybox: Link to a GIF file in the gopherstuff/ directory
 (BIN) Toybox: Link to the entire contents of toybox/
       (This is actually a copy of the entire toybox/ directory!)
       The tab separates the display string and the selector (path). If
       you don't use a full path, then it is relative to this one.
       The item type tells the gopher client what that menu item is. It is
       always the first character in a line with tabs. These item types
       here were 1 (a menu), 0 (a text file), g (a GIF image) and 9 (a
       generic downloadable binary).
       Other item types include I = generic image or JPEG.
       <- 67 chars ------------------------------------------------------>
       If you just use a display string and a selector, then your host name
       and port are filled in. If you add a host and port, then it becomes
       an external link like these:
       Add a search engine link! This is external. Item type 7 means a
       server you can send a request to.
 (QRY) Search Veronica-2
       Add links to other gopherspaces! Use item type 1 for a gopher menu
 (DIR) gopher.floodgap.com
 (DIR) gopher.quux.org
       Add links to web pages! Use item type h and a URL: (a "hURL").
       Don't use a host and port; that's part of the URL already.
 (HTM) A web link to www.floodgap.com
       <- 67 chars ------------------------------------------------------>
       Download the Toybox yourself so you can play with it.
 (BIN) Toybox: Link to the entire contents of toybox/
       <- 67 chars ------------------------------------------------------>
       Send comments and suggestions on this tutorial to gopher@floodgap.com
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/1.6 on NetBSD/amd64 9.1