Disease Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inner mechanisms rather than being directly caused by a physical injury. Technological and consoomerist diseases are mental diseases almost exclusively present in humans (but also possibly in some animals forced to live like humans) related to [1]shit technology. Some of the most common diseases, mostly of the technological kind but also of others, include: * [2]assholism * [3]audiophilia * [4]autism * [5]cancer * [6]capitalism * chronic downloading * citation addiction, also known as [7]pseudoskeptic's disease^[1][2][3] * [8]data hoarding * [9]depression * [10]egoism * [11]Emacs * [12]furry disorder * [13]homosexuality * hopping: * [14]browser hopping * [15]distro hopping * [16]text editor hopping * [17]git hopping * [18]language hopping and [19]paradigm hopping * [20]license hopping * ... * lack of [21]IQ * [22]maximalism * [23]narcissism * [24]nationalism * [25]NPC disease * [26]object obsession * obsessive [27]privacy obsession * [28]pride * [29]retardation * [30]schizophrenia * [31]troll personality disorder * Unix [32]ricing * ... Links: 1. capitalist_technology.md 2. assertiveness.md 3. audiophilia.md 4. autism.md 5. cancer.md 6. capitalism.md 7. pseudoskepticism.md 8. data_hoarding.md 9. depression.md 10. egoism.md 11. emacs.md 12. furry.md 13. gay.md 14. browser_hopping.md 15. distro_hopping.md 16. editor_hopping.md 17. git_hopping.md 18. language_hopping.md 19. paradigm_hopping.md 20. license_hopping.md 21. iq.md 22. maximalism.md 23. narcissism.md 24. nationalism.md 25. npc.md 26. oop.md 27. privacy.md 28. pride.md 29. retarded.md 30. schizo.md 31. troll_personality_disorder.md 32. rice.md