An exec plugin for collectd: mqttcollect Ben and Alexander recently twisted my arm until I promised to create something which would consume [1]Mosquitto's $SYS/broker/# topic branch and write those values to [2]collectd. You will know that that topic branch emits broker statistics [3]via MQTT: $SYS/broker/bytes/received 79665672 $SYS/broker/bytes/sent 27887950 $SYS/broker/load/messages/received/1min 70.10 My first thought was: let me add a service to [4]mqttwarn for that (if you don't know [5]mqttwarn you may be interested in [6]these [7]two articles introducing it), but for the systems it was to run on, it was to be a standalone thing in C. The first cut of the program was operational within a couple of hours: it is hooked into collectd via [8]collectd's exec plugin which launches a long-lived process and reads metrics it issues from stdin. It then occurred to me I could also handle [9]JSON payloads easily enough, extracting an element's value from the JSON to use as a number. One thing led to another, and I then wanted elements from the JSON payload to be interpolated into the metric names [10]collectd is given, so I added that as well. The result is a rather fast minimal [11]mqttwarn which hands metrics to [12]collectd. An ini-type configuration file provides the settings required to run mqttcollect, instead of a dozen command-line options. Hostname, port, CA certificate file for TLS, TLS-PSK are all supported. The nodename given to collectd is configurable (it defaults to the short uname) as is an optional prefix which is, well, prefixed to a metric to differentiate instances of a plugin. [defaults] host = localhost port = 1883 username = jane password = s1c#ret ; psk_key = ; psk_identity = ; ca_file = ; nodename = foob ; progname = mqttcollect ; prefix = PREFIX You configure any number of topics which mqttcollect will subscribe to, and you specify the [13]type of metric as well as whether or not the MQTT topic should be translated before being handed off. There are three possibilities: 1. No translation. E.g a topic temperature/arduino is passed through unchanged. 2. Rewrite a topic (e.g. temperature/arduino) to hot/in/here. 3. Rewrite with JSON interpolation. The first two mechanisms are described in the [14]mqttcollect.ini.example file we provide. The third is a bit more difficult to grasp, so let me elaborate. metric configuration Assume for instance I subscribe to the wildcarded topic branch arduino/temp/+ and that the payload of messages which are published on that branch contains [15]JSON with a celsius and fahrenheit temperatures as well as the name of the room in which the temperature was measured. {"fahrenheit": 53.26, "celsius": 11.81, "room": "kitchen"} I can have mqttcollect use each of the elements in the JSON (e.g. celsius, room, etc.) to construct the name of a metric. So, if I configure, say, a metric name of heat.{room} and, as shown above, the JSON payload has a { "room" : "kitchen" } in it, the metric name will be rewritten to You'll notice the < character followed by a word; this indicates that mqttcollect should retrieve the value of the metric from said JSON element. So, for example,