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       .  ____             _                       _
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       . \____|\___/| .__/|_| |_|\___/ \___/ \__, |_|\___|
       .            |_|                      |___/
       If you are reading these lines, it means your computer has
       successfully connected to the Internet and you have found
       this place to make it your home page. I know that for many
       people Gopher looks something like this picture:
       .                                   +------------------+
       .                                   | Hot damn where I |
       .                                   +------------------+
       .                                          /
       .                      ,,,)))      _____________
       .                      \ (, ,)    |        '\\\\\\
       .                      c\   >'    |        ' ____|_
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       .                |'/'.   /  =' \  ___/____|___\___
       .               _|/__!___:___|/_\|    _    '  <<<:|
       .              /    _________    |_________'___o_o| b'ger
       .              /    /:::::::::|
       .                 '=========='
       Please, read a little about this place:
       I've been using Gopher for a very long time. Over time,
       I accumulated a lot of links that began to take up a lot
       of space on my page. I decided to combine everything
       into one section called Gophoogle. This is the best first
       page for any Gopher client or browser. Be sure to make
       it homepage. This is the best place to start your journey
       through GopherSpace.
       Every day I start my Gopher journey with this place. Since
       from it is possible to access many link directories, search
       engines, as well as interesting pages of my friends
       scattered all over the planet.
       I will gladly exchange links with other Gophers Holes.
       If you would like to exchange a link with me please
       send it to my Guest book!
       Welcome to GopherSpace!!!
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