# Host with OpenBSD
       Get help, ask any question or discuss self-hosting on OpenBSD on the following mailing-list: ah+subscribe@bla.si3t.ch.
 (DIR) 1. A good start
 (DIR) 2. Manage your server
 (DIR) 3. Keep your server on time
 (DIR) 4. Host a website
 (DIR) 5. Host emails
 (DIR) 6. Domain name server: DNS
 (DIR) 7. Virtualization
 (DIR) 8. VPN
 (DIR) 9. Various services
 (DIR) 10. Tips, FAQ, comments...
 (DIR) 11. Configuration examples
 (DIR) 12. Notes
 (BIN) ../diodonbsdheader.png
 (DIR) /