# gemfeed.awk
       #!/usr/bin/awk -f
       # Create an gemfeed from a list of plain text files.
       # First line of a post is title
       # Second line is date formatted %Y-%m-%dT%TZ
       BEGIN {
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       END {
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       function usage() {
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
 (DIR) /