This is the first post on my phlog. I'm not yet sure what I'll put here. I also have a blog on the WWW, which I update very rarely. Maybe I will put stuff here that I don't expect anyone to see, which I still feel like writing down. Or maybe stuff nobody cares about. I can start by mentioning the largest change in my life over the past two weeks: I bought an expensive blender (a Blendtec Pro 800). It was 8000DKK. Obviously way more expensive than a blender should be, but there's a ten year warranty, and I just want to never have to worry about blenders ever again. It's certainly very good, and my partner and I have been drinking smoothies every day since we got it. I'm particularly fond of the fact that no matter what you put in, the operating and cleaning procedure is the same. A powerful blender is almost like a universal monoid: you can add anything to it, and the result will still be a blend. So yeah, it does blend. Pretty well in fact.