Looking at a busy August. I'm teaching a Computer Systems course at DIKU where we decided to change the textbook from "Computer Systems: a Programmers Perspective" (CSAPP) to the RISC-V edition of "Computer Architecture and Design" (COD). I always had a bit of an ambivalent relation with CSAPP, and we used less and less of it as the years went on. COD isn't a particularly good fit for the course either, as it goes into more detail on computer architecture than we really have time to cover, while not covering operating systems well enough. I intend to use OSTEP[0] to cover the gaps. Due to the change to COD, we'll inevitably have to take a more machine-oriented view in the course, which I guess is OK. Beyond basic things like the idea of time-sharing and the details of virtual memory, a lot of our operating systems material was more about implementation detail than concepts, and we're supposed to teach "science" here. Still, having to tweak most of my slides is going to suck. I'm also going to try to write a grant application for the Novo Nordisk Fountation. Probably something about profiling of high level languages. I don't particularly enjoy writing grant applications, and I'm not particularly good at it, but I suppose it has to be done. [0]: https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/