I recently found the wl-mirror program and it is great: https://github.com/Ferdi265/wl-mirror It allows you to create a window that reproduces the contents of a Wayland display. This is particularly useful if you use a compositor that does not (as of this writing) support screen mirroring, such as Sway. To "mirror" my laptop screen onto a projector, I simply use wl-mirror to create a window replicating my laptop screen, and then put the wl-mirror window in full screen on the workspace corresponding to the projector. Instead of battling the mirroring functionality built into a window manager or compositor, I have a separate program where I can easily tweak things such as scaling (if applicable) to my desire. For that matter, wl-mirror also supports only mirroring only a subset of a screen. It's a delightful, composable tool.