The Pragmatic
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       OCaml, also known as O'Caml, Objective Caml, Nonstandard ML, The
       French ML, and The Language You Need To Compile Coq, is a pragmatic
       and industrially relevant programming language (meaning it is impure,
       object-oriented, and has curly-brace-and-semicolon syntax).
       This page is a frequently updated help site for industrial OCaml
       programmers.  The information contained here is indispensable,
       particularly for programmers that use OCaml in a heterogeneous
       environment where it has to interact with other exotic languages, run
       on bad operating systems, and perhaps be used for the implementation
       of portfolio management software.
 (DIR) OCaml as she is wrote.
 (DIR) Other French programming languages.
       Do you need to make your OCaml code go faster?  Academic researchers
       finally finished their work on algebraic effect handlers that is
       apparently a necessity for multicore execution, and now parallel OCaml
       is a reality.