source $HOME/.profile alias egwtool="/home/jake/scripts/nimegw/nimgwtool" alias voidpi="ssh -p 4002 jake@voidpi" alias define="sdcv" alias extract="dtrx" alias ddgr="ddgr -n3" alias sacc="/home/jake/scripts/" alias hc="herbstclient" alias ls='ls -vF --color=auto --group-directories-first' alias ll='ls -vgGFh --time-style=+"│" --color=auto --group-directories-first' alias la='ls -vlGAFh --color=auto --group-directories-first' alias mountiso='sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop' alias rm="trash" alias xs="xbps-query -Rs" alias xr="sudo xbps-remove -R" alias fzf="fzf --height=25% --reverse" alias dotgit="git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME" alias weather="curl" alias whatismyip="curl -4" alias updatenews="cp /home/jake/docs/news_feed.xml /home/jake/voidpi/www/thinkspace/_site && chmod +r /home/jake/voidpi/www/thinkspace/_site/news_feed.xml" function 0x0 { curl -F"file=@$@" } ################# # Misc Settings # ################# zstyle ':completion:*' group-name '' zstyle ':completion:*' insert-unambiguous true zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} zstyle ':completion:*' list-prompt %SAt %p: Hit TAB for more, or the character to insert%s zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _match _prefix zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/jake/.zshrc' autoload -Uz compinit compinit HISTFILE=~/.histfile HISTSIZE=1000 SAVEHIST=3000 export KEYTIMEOUT=1 bindkey -v . /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh . $HOME/.config/zsh/plugins/bd/bd.zsh ########## # PROMPT # ########## setopt prompt_subst autoload colors zsh/terminfo autoload -Uz vcs_info if [[ "$terminfo[colors]" -ge 8 ]]; then colors fi for color in black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white; do eval col_$color='%{$terminfo[bold]$fg[${(L)color}]%}' eval col2_$color='%{$fg[${(L)color}]%}' (( count = $count + 1 )) done nocolor="%{$terminfo[sgr0]%}" if [ "$TERM" != "linux" ]; then zle-keymap-select () { if [ $KEYMAP = vicmd ]; then printf "\033[2 q" else printf "\033[4 q" fi } zle -N zle-keymap-select zle-line-init () { zle -K viins printf "\033[4 q" } zle -N zle-line-init fi zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats '%b %a' zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats '%b %a' zstyle ':vcs_info:(sv[nk]|bzr):*' branchformat '%b:%r' zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git cvs svn vcs_info_wrapper() { vcs_info if [ -n "$vcs_info_msg_0_" ]; then echo "%{$reset_color%}%{$fg[green]%}%{$bg[black]%}  ${vcs_info_msg_0_}%{$reset_color%}$del" fi } PROMPT=$'%{$fg[green]%}%{$bg[green]%}${col_black} %~ $(vcs_info_wrapper)%{$reset_color%}%{$fg[green]%} $nocolor ' PS2="${col2_blue} $nocolor" ############### # Bible Shell # ############### alias xref="/home/jake/scripts/bible/" alias search="diatheke -f plain -b KJV -s multiword -k" alias search+="diatheke -f plain -b KJV -o n -s multiword -k" alias search++='/home/jake/scripts/bible/search++.rb' alias kjv+="diatheke -b KJV -f plain -o n -k" alias greek="diatheke -b StrongsGreek -f plain -k" alias hebrew="diatheke -b StrongsHebrew -f plain -k" alias hitchcock="diatheke -b Hitchcock -f plain -k" alias tsk="diatheke -b TSK -f plain -k" alias ylt="diatheke -b YLT -f plain -k" function mhc { diatheke -f html -b MHC -k $@ | elinks -dump | nvimpager } function barnes { diatheke -f html -b Barnes -k $@ | elinks -dump | nvimpager } alias genesis='b genesis' alias exodus='b exodus' alias psalm='b psalm' alias proverbs='b proverbs' alias leviticus='b leviticus' alias numbers='b numbers' alias deuteronomy='b deuteronomy' alias joshua='b joshua' alias judges='b judges' alias ruth='b ruth' alias 1samuel='b 1samuel' alias 2samuel='b 2samuel' alias 1kings='b 1kings' alias 2kings='b 2kings' alias 1chronicles='b 1chronicles' alias 2chronicles='b 2chronicles' alias ezra='b ezra' alias nehemiah='b nehemiah' alias esther='b esther' alias job='b job' alias ecclesiastes='b ecclesiastes' alias songofsolomon='b songofsolomon' alias isaiah='b isaiah' alias jeremiah='b jeremiah' alias lamentations='b lamentations' alias ezekiel='b ezekiel' alias daniel='b daniel' alias hosea='b hosea' alias joel='b joel' alias amos='b amos' alias obadiah='b obadiah' alias jonah='b jonah' alias micah='b micah' alias nahum='b nahum' alias habakkuk='b habakkuk' alias zephaniah='b zephaniah' alias haggai='b haggai' alias zechariah='b zechariah' alias malachi='b malachi' alias matthew='b matthew' alias mark='b mark' alias luke='b luke' alias john='b john' alias acts='b acts' alias romans='b romans' alias 1corinthians='b 1corinthians' alias 2corinthians='b 2corinthians' alias galatians='b galatians' alias ephesians='b ephesians' alias philippians='b philippians' alias colossians='b colossians' alias 1thessalonians='b 1thessalonians' alias 2thessalonians='b 2thessalonians' alias 1timothy='b 1timothy' alias 2timothy='b 2timothy' alias titus='b titus' alias philemon='b philemon' alias hebrews='b hebrews' alias james='b james' alias 1peter='b 1peter' alias 2peter='b 2peter' alias jude='b jude' alias revelation='b revelation' alias 1john='b 1john' alias 2john='b 2john' alias 3john='b 3john' ######################### # Linux Terminal Colors # ######################### if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then # echo -en "\e]P01a1a1a" # echo -en "\e]P83a3a3a" #darkgrey # echo -en "\e]P18f5d4e" #darkred # echo -en "\e]P98f6f65" #red # echo -en "\e]P2678f3e" #darkgreen # echo -en "\e]PA7a8f65" #green # echo -en "\e]P3888f32" #brown # echo -en "\e]PB8c8f32" #yellow # echo -en "\e]P444578f" #darkblue # echo -en "\e]PC65708f" #blue # echo -en "\e]P57a3552" #darkmagenta # echo -en "\e]PD715464" #magenta # echo -en "\e]P6458f8f" #darkcyan # echo -en "\e]PE658f8f" #cyan # echo -en "\e]P77a7075" #lightgrey # echo -en "\e]PFc0c0c0" #white # LIGHT # echo -en "\e]P0EDEDED" # # echo -en "\e]P8969694" #darkgrey # echo -en "\e]P87a7a79" #darkgrey # echo -en "\e]P1D7005F" #darkred # echo -en "\e]P9D7005F" #red # echo -en "\e]P2718C00" #darkgreen # echo -en "\e]PA718C00" #green # echo -en "\e]P3D75F00" #brown # echo -en "\e]PBD75F00" #yellow # echo -en "\e]P44271AE" #darkblue # echo -en "\e]PC4271AE" #blue # echo -en "\e]P58959A8" #darkmagenta # echo -en "\e]PD8959A8" #magenta # echo -en "\e]P63E999F" #darkcyan # echo -en "\e]PE3E999F" #cyan # echo -en "\e]P74D4D4C" #lightgrey # echo -en "\e]PFF5F5F5" #white # ArchLabs # echo -en "\e]P022242a" # echo -en "\e]P82b303b" #darkgrey # echo -en "\e]P1b93434" #darkred # echo -en "\e]P9b93434" #red # echo -en "\e]P260953f" #darkgreen # echo -en "\e]PA60953f" #green # echo -en "\e]P3ba4a13" #brown # echo -en "\e]PBba4a13" #yellow # echo -en "\e]P44271ae" #darkblue # echo -en "\e]PC4271ae" #blue # echo -en "\e]P56c4362" #darkmagenta # echo -en "\e]PD6c4362" #magenta # echo -en "\e]P6256163" #darkcyan # echo -en "\e]PE256163" #cyan # echo -en "\e]P78a8a8a" #lightgrey # echo -en "\e]PF8fa1b3" #white # Minty echo -en "\e]P02f2f2f" echo -en "\e]P83a3a3a" #darkgrey echo -en "\e]P1a0524f" #darkred echo -en "\e]P9a0524f" #red echo -en "\e]P2819a67" #darkgreen echo -en "\e]PA819a67" #green echo -en "\e]P3bf864f" #brown echo -en "\e]PB8a725d" #yellow echo -en "\e]P45a92af" #darkblue echo -en "\e]PC4f63a4" #blue echo -en "\e]P5775cac" #darkmagenta echo -en "\e]PDa95282" #magenta echo -en "\e]P651897e" #darkcyan echo -en "\e]PE51897e" #cyan echo -en "\e]P7929292" #lightgrey echo -en "\e]PFcdcdcd" #white clear #for background artifacting fi ###### # EOF