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 (HTM) https://silentmessengers.org
 (HTM) Salvation in Signs and Symbols
           This series walks through the book of Revelation at a very easy
           to follow pace. Perfect for people looking to get into the book
           of Revelation for the first time!
 (HTM) Back to Eden: How to Grow a Vegetable Garden
 (HTM) Amazing Facts
           Tons of great Bible resources such as:
 (HTM)       - Bible Studies
 (HTM)       - Articles
 (HTM)       - 24/7 Live Media and On Demand content
 (HTM)       - Documentary: Revelation - The Bride, the Beast, and Babylon
 (HTM) Amazing Discoveries
           Another great resource. I highly recommend these:
 (HTM)       - Total Onslaught
                  A comprehensive series on Bible prophecy
 (HTM)       - Genesis Conflict
                  Scientific evidence for creation and the flood
 (HTM)       - Rekindling the Reformation
                  Returning to the roots of true Protestantism
 (HTM)       - Life at its Best
                  God-given wisdom for optimal health of the body and
                  mind. You don't have to be sick!
 (HTM) Our Authorized Bible Vindicated
           A look at the history of Bible manuscripts; their transmission,
           preservation, and the attempts of some to corrupt and destroy
           this sacred work of inspiration. We can trust the Bible!
 (HTM) A Lamp in the Dark
           The Untold History of the Bible
           This documentary covers similar ground to the above book,
           tracing the history of God's people, and the parallel
           system of corruption that has sought to silence their
           testimony while professing godliness.
 (HTM) Secrets Unsealed TV
           Another fantastic 24/7 live stream with solid Bible teaching.
           A couple series from here:
 (HTM)       - Cracking the Genesis Code
                  Genesis and Revelation side by side. The message given
                  to John is the same message which was given to Moses.
 (HTM)       - The Bible or Tradition?
                  What is the true foundation of the church?
       Check back. This list is sure to grow!
       Last update: June 16, 2019