Monday, March 8th, 2021 With the weather starting to break, I have been wanting to get back into the office and get back to my various new and unfinished projects. There are quite a few on the docket now, but lately I'm tinkering around with my Windows 98SE machine, specifically with connecting it up to the home lab and indirectly to the internet via various means. Currently, this machine has access to the internet by telnetting into a Raspberry Pi 4, and from there I can access SSH or Lynx like any other terminal without worrying so much about the security implications of using the telnet protocol in the modern day. The Pi is also set up with Browservice proxy capabilities, meaning I can connect to it via the old version (5.5) of Internet Explorer on this machine and access https websites in relative security as well, just like any modern PC except a lot slower, haha. I have been using it primarily to install older Win98 programs without needing to first write them to 3.5" disks or CDs and to access Discord. The Pi only accepts telnet requests from the local network with Browservice going a step further and only accepting requests via Ethernet, and is wired directly into the Win98 machine. It accesses the outside internet through WiFi. The Raspberry Pi 4 definitely seems to struggle with Browservice, which is no surprise since it seems to struggle just running an Xserver and a browser tab on its own, haha. It is a nice tool for prototyping though - I will likely replace it with an X86-based miniPC I salvaged from a digital signage unit a few months back (did I write about that one? If not, I will soon) once I get a few more parts to ensure I can get some decent uptime out of it. Getting that unit going would be a big step up towards some of the other big projects I want to try to tackle this year as well. Next time, I'll go into more detail on this Win98SE machine itself. It was a pretty neat find, very capable for its time, and I haven't actually done much to it yet, haha. -Prokyonid