-= npm via Gopher!!! =-
       Search results for query "undefined":
 (DIR) es-to-primitive
        -> ECMAScript “ToPrimitive” algorithm. Provides ES5 and ES2015 versions.
 (DIR) defined
        -> return the first argument that is `!== undefined`
 (DIR) eslint-plugin-i18next-no-undefined-translation-keys
        -> Detects translation keys in use which are missing from translation files
 (DIR) is-empty-input
        -> A simple package to check if input is null, undefined, or an empty string
 (DIR) emptiness-check
        -> To check if the input is null, undefined, empty string, empty array, or an empty object
 (DIR) ts-util-is
        -> TypeScript typeof utility helper with no dependencies.
 (DIR) fast-clean
        -> LightWeight, dependency free, javascript object cleaning library
 (DIR) ts-opt
        -> Typed Option/Optional/Maybe for TypeScript and JavaScript, created to simplify code involving optional values (null, undefined, NaN).
 (DIR) coalescy
        -> Simple function that return the first non null or undefined argument
 (DIR) remark-lint-no-undefined-references
        -> remark-lint rule to warn when references to undefined definitions are found
 (DIR) eslint-plugin-no-explicit-undefined
        -> Eslint rule to prevent undefined declaration in favor of optional parameter (?) operator in Typescript
 (DIR) existy
        -> Check if something exists (e.g. not null || undefined)
 (DIR) @9fv.io/undefined-error
        -> An exception class to throw undefined error.
 (DIR) @lrnwebcomponents/mutation-observer-import-mixin
        -> a SuperClass mixin that dynamically imports undefined custom element definitions
 (DIR) is-null-like
        -> A simple javascript function that will return true if the value is null like (aka undefined or null)
 (DIR) @pro-script/as-is
        -> Check your types at runtime with ESNext syntax by meta programing in node.js and browser with interfaces, strict object and more.
 (DIR) @f/is-undefined
        -> Check if undefined.
 (DIR) @daybrush/utils
        -> utils for daybrush
 (DIR) check-typeof
        -> A Node.js library offering functions to check variable types, including arrays, objects, strings, numbers, booleans, and undefined values.
 (DIR) optional-js
        -> Optionals for JS - wrapper for possibly undefined values, inspired by Java Optional API