hey! This is the Interactive Music Help System. Press the mouse button to exit.[1] okay, but in all seriousness, CONGRATS! you found the hidden side of spriteclad.com! on a protocol that almost nobody except the dorkiest dorks uses anymore!!! woo![toots party horn] i plan to hopefully update a bit more here than on the html side of things because i feel... comfier here? like i'm having my stuff looked at by less people. i also like that not many people know about this place. makes it feel like a secret club that you get rewarded for finding. or something like that. ANNNYYYWHOOOO, i'm still currently working on constructing this place into its full potential, but i will say this much: it was actually really easy to set up. all i had to do was grab a copy of ~~Gophernicus~~ i mean pygopherd[2], run a few commands, tweak one setting, and it's completely set up now. it's so good. i'm still trying to get the hang of how to code gophermaps (which are basically the menu system that gopher uses), but so far i'm doing pretty good here. i'm not too interested in the rest of the gopherverse but i'm still more or less happy to make my secondary home here. also, in case you missed it, i have a mastodon which i use more than my twitter. like, by a longshot. if you don't know what mastodon is, it's basically just twitter, except open-source and decentralized (aka it means that anyone can host their own copy of mastodon given you have the specs to run a server, and every server talks to one another). feel free to follow me on there. (note: i have to approve you before i let you follow me, jsyk.) you can find the link here[3]. but yeah, expect more posts here soon, i hope. i may back out on this thing but i'm hoping this will get me to update my site more. thanks for tuning in, and i'll see you later~! - sprite. P.S. TO ANY PEOPLE RUNNING THEIR SERVERS ON GOPHERNICUS: does anyone else have this bug where gophernicus will just immediately stop recognizing the main directory you use for gopher when you set the folder's perms to full read/write/execute (aka 777)? this might be an ubuntu 16.04 thing. if anyone else has this bug, feel free to hit me up on mastodon, or by email (REDACTED). thank'm!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [1] https://open.spotify.com/track/5zbFLQUEz0hm8oqlXDI93z?si=sR293AGvR36tssLG7QmS2A [2] https://github.com/jgoerzen/pygopherd [3] https://chitter.xyz/@sc