It's weird, right? All across the internet I see this notion. A meme almost, a the Dawkinsian meme: gopher is where I can be true. Be honest. Be myself. Bear my truth for this tiny, tiny subset of the world to see. But why? Is there inherent intimacy in the obscure? Gopher is in some senses a secret society. Few know of it. Of thos who do most know it only as a wikipedia entry, a long-dead could-have-been trampled in the gold rush of the world wide web which, so the amazed announced in the 1990's, let you embed pictures. It was multimedia. I don't know that that's why. As happy a marriage as I wish Willow and Edward (cheers if y'all read this,) that doesn't mean I know them in any real capacity. and yet I see it. Gopher is softer. Gopher is more intimate. Gopher is where the soul lives. I blame the inescapable burning eye. We (the collective) used to post these things on the web. You can still find them if you look, but even when I do I hesitate to post them on the directory. Once a friend of mine defaced another mutual friend's site for a prank. All of our websites were hosted on a server in my shed at the time. We defaced his meaner and quicker, and we cost him a job. Even 15 year ago the web had consequences for a system administrator. It has all the more now that any recruiter will slurp my entire digital life for pennies, seeking unprofessional. I worry about that with my book reviews sometimes. Will I be shot down for reading Kropotkin? No, that's silly; he's too obscure. Still the worry persists. Gopher never caught the commercial imagination. It wasn't possible to build your "brand" here. It's useless to the vast data warehouses. It's not that we're safe here, but we're ignored. That's about as good as one can hope for these days. .