TABLE OF CONTENTS cybergl.library/--unimplemented-- cybergl.library/--datatypes-- cybergl.library/--GLU_library-- cybergl.library/--PowerUp_Notes-- cybergl.library/allocColor cybergl.library/allocColorRange cybergl.library/attachGLWndToRPTagList cybergl.library/attachGLWindowTagList cybergl.library/closeGLWindow cybergl.library/disposeGLWindow cybergl.library/getWindow cybergl.library/glBegin cybergl.library/glBitMap cybergl.library/glClear cybergl.library/glClearColor cybergl.library/glClearDepth cybergl.library/glClearIndex cybergl.library/glClipPlane cybergl.library/glColor3 cybergl.library/glColor4 cybergl.library/glColorMaterial cybergl.library/glCullFace cybergl.library/glDepthFunc cybergl.library/glDepthRange cybergl.library/glDisable cybergl.library/glDrawBuffer cybergl.library/glDrawPixels cybergl.library/glEdgeFlag cybergl.library/glEnable cybergl.library/glEnd cybergl.library/glFinish cybergl.library/glFlush cybergl.library/glFog cybergl.library/glFrontFace cybergl.library/glFrustum cybergl.library/glGetBooleanv cybergl.library/glGetClipPlane cybergl.library/glGetDoublev cybergl.library/glGetError cybergl.library/glGetFloatv cybergl.library/glGetIntegerv cybergl.library/glGetLight cybergl.library/glGetMaterial cybergl.library/glGetPixelMap cybergl.library/glGetString cybergl.library/glGetTexEnv cybergl.library/glGetTexGen cybergl.library/glGetTexImage cybergl.library/glGetTexLevelParameter cybergl.library/glGetTexParameter cybergl.library/glHint cybergl.library/glIndex cybergl.library/glInitNames cybergl.library/glIsEnabled cybergl.library/glLight cybergl.library/glLightModel cybergl.library/glLoadIdentity cybergl.library/glLoadMatrix cybergl.library/glLoadName cybergl.library/glMaterial cybergl.library/glMatrixMode cybergl.library/glMultMatrix cybergl.library/glNormal3 cybergl.library/glOrtho cybergl.library/glPixelMap cybergl.library/glPixelStore cybergl.library/glPixelTransfer cybergl.library/glPixelZoom cybergl.library/glPolygonMode cybergl.library/glPopAttrib cybergl.library/glPopMatrix cybergl.library/glPopName cybergl.library/glPushAttrib cybergl.library/glPushMatrix cybergl.library/glPushName cybergl.library/glRasterPos2 cybergl.library/glRasterPos3 cybergl.library/glRasterPos4 cybergl.library/glRect cybergl.library/glRenderMode cybergl.library/glRotate cybergl.library/glScale cybergl.library/glSelectBuffer cybergl.library/glShadeModel cybergl.library/glTexCoord1 cybergl.library/glTexCoord2 cybergl.library/glTexCoord3 cybergl.library/glTexCoord4 cybergl.library/glTexEnv cybergl.library/glTexGen cybergl.library/glTexImage1D cybergl.library/glTexImage2D cybergl.library/glTexParameter cybergl.library/glTranslate cybergl.library/glVertex2 cybergl.library/glVertex3 cybergl.library/glVertex4 cybergl.library/glViewPort cybergl.library/openGLWindowTagList cybergl.library/resizeGLWindow cybergl.elf/attachGLView cybergl.elf/closeGLView cybergl.elf/openGLView cybergl.elf/resizeGLView cybergl.library/--unimplemented-- cybergl.library/--unimplemented-- functions defined in the OpenGL 1.0 specification, not available with CyberGL glAccum() glAlphaFunc() glCallList() glCallLists() glClearAccum() glClearStencil() glColorMask() glCopyPixels() glDeleteLists() glDepthMask() glDrawArrays() glEndList() glEvalCoord1() glEvalCoord2() glEvalMesh1() glEvalMesh2() glEvalPoint1() glEvalPoint2() glFeedbackBuffer() glGenLists() glGetMap() glGetPolygonStipple() glIndexMask() glIsList() glLineStipple() glLineWidth() glListBase() glLogicOp() glMap1() glMap2() glMapGrid1() glMapGrid2() glNewList() glPassThrough() glPointSize() glPolygonOffset() glPolygonStipple() glReadBuffer() glReadPixels() glScissor() glStencilFunc() glStencilMask() glStencilOp() functions in the OpenGL 1.1 specification, not available with CyberGL glAreTexturesResident() glArrayElement() glBindTexture() glBlendFunc() glColorPointer() glCopyTexImage1D() glCopyTexSubImage1D() glCopyTexSubImage2D() glDeleteTextures() glDisableClientState() glDrawArrays() glDrawElements() glEdgeFlagPointer() glEnableClientState() glGenTextures() glIndexPointer() glInterleavedArrays() glNormalPointer() glPolygonOffset() glPrioritizeTextures() glTexCoordPointer() glTexSubImage1D() glTexSubImage2D() glVertexPointer() cybergl.library/--datatypes-- cybergl.library/--datatypes-- Table of CyberGL-Datatypes Datatype ANSI C CyberGL adoc shortcut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signed 8bit integer signed char GLbyte b signed 16bit integer short GLshort s signed 32bit integer int GLint i GLsizei 32bit floating point float GLfloat f GLclampf 64bit floating point double GLdouble d GLclampd unsigned 8bit integer unsigned char GLubyte ub GLboolean unsigned 16bit integer unsigned short GLushort us unsigned 32bit integer unsigned int GLuint ui GLenum GLbitfield (empty) void GLvoid cybergl.library/--GLU_library-- cybergl.library/--GLU_library-- There is no GL utility library implementation as of yet. However, as an extension to the standard GL function interface, CyberGL has a small function subset of GL utility library to simplify transformations. The following functions are available: glPerspective() -> glu library's gluPerspective() glOrtho2D() -> glu library's gluOrtho2D() glLookAt() -> glu library's gluLookAt() glPickMatrix() -> glu library's gluPickMatrix() glProject() -> glu library's gluProject() glUnProject() -> glu library's gluUnProject() cybergl.library/--PowerUp_Notes-- cybergl.library/--PowerUp_Notes-- There is a special version of CyberGL available that supports PPC and the PowerUp API. It is available as an elf link library. The actual GL programming interface is identical to the 68k shared library, the actual window interface functions work differently, though. Currently, there are 4 special functions for the ppc version currently to attach a GL context to an intuition window or graphics RastPort, respectively. This are: cybergl.elf/attachGLView() cybergl.elf/closeGLView() cybergl.elf/openGLView() cybergl.elf/resizeGLView() The functions not available anymore in the PPC version are: openGLWindowTagList() closeGLWindow() attachGLWindowTagList() disposeGLWindow() resizeGLWindow() getWindow() allocColor() allocColorRange() attachGLWndToRPTagList() It is not possible to attach a GL view to a 256 colour or non cybergraphics screen with the PPC version currently. This may change with a future release. cybergl.library/allocColor cybergl.library/allocColor NAME allocColor - allocate a pen with a certain colour for indexed render mode SYNOPSIS pen = allocColor (glwnd,redval,greenval,blueval) A0 D0 D1 D2 GLubyte allocColor(GLvoid *,GLubyte,GLubyte,GLubyte) FUNCTION INPUT glwnd - pointer to the GLwindow context redval - requested red component [0-255] greenval - requested green component [0-255] blueval - requested blue component [0-255] RETURN pen - index number of allocated pen with the requested colour NOTES SEE ALSO allocColorRange() cybergl.library/allocColorRange cybergl.library/allocColorRange NAME allocColorRange - allocate a range of colours for indexed render mode SYNOPSIS index = allocColorRange(glwnd, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, num) A0 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 GLubyte allocColorRange(void *,GLubyte,GLubyte,GLubyte,GLubyte, GLubyte,GLubyte,GLubyte) FUNCTION Allocate a range of colours for indexed render mode within the specified colour range. INPUT glwnd - pointer to the GLwindow context r1 - red component of the first range color [0-255] g1 - green component of the first range color [0-255] b1 - blue component of the first range color [0-255] r2 - red component of the last range color [0-255] g2 - green component of the last range color [0-255] b2 - blue component of the last range color [0-255] num - size of the range RETURN index - starting index number of the requested color range NOTES SEE ALSO allocColor() cybergl.library/attachGLWndToRPTagList cybergl.library/attachGLWndToRPTagList NAME attachgGLWndToRPTagList - create a new gl window context and attach it to a graphics RastPort for display. SYNOPSIS glwindow = attachGLWndToRPTagList(screen,rp,width,height,tags) A0 A1 D0 D1 A2 GLvoid *attachGLWndToRPTagList(struct Screen *,struct RastPort *, GLint, GLint,struct TagItem *) FUNCTION INPUT screen - pointer to an intuition screen structure which is required to get pen sharing information rp - pointer to a graphics RastPort which is used for rendering width - requested width height - requested height tags - taglist with additional attributes TAGS GLWA_RGBAMode (BOOL) Selects whether CyberGL renders in RGBA (TRUE) or indexed mode (FALSE). Defaults to TRUE. GLWA_OffsetX (ULONG) By default, the gl window render area starts at the inner top left border of the intuition window. You can specify an additional horizontal offset here. GLWA_OffsetY (ULONG) By default, the gl window render area starts at the inner top left border of the intuition window. You can specify an additional vertical offset here. GLWA_Error (ULONG *) ti_Data points to a ULONG which contains an additional error code if the call fails. (Not yet supported) GLWA_Buffered (BOOL) Selects whether all draw operations update the display immediately (FALSE) or everything is updated after a glFlush()/glFinish() operation (TRUE). Defaults to FALSE. RETURN glwindow - pointer to the created glwindow context or NULL if creation failed NOTES gl window contexts can only be attached to screens which have pen sharing enabled. SEE ALSO disposeGLWindow() cybergl.library/attachGLWindowTagList cybergl.library/attachGLWindowTagList NAME attachGLWindowTagList - create a new gl window context and attach it to an intuition window for display. SYNOPSIS glwindow = attachGLWindowTagList(window,width,height,tags) A0 D0 D1 A1 GLvoid *attachGLWindowTagList(struct Window *,GLint,GLint, struct TagItem *) FUNCTION Create a new gl window context and attach it to a specified intuition window for display. INPUT window - pointer to an intuition window that is used for display width - requested width height - requested height tags - taglist with additional attributes TAGS GLWA_RGBAMode (BOOL) Selects whether CyberGL renders in RGBA (TRUE) or indexed mode (FALSE). Defaults to TRUE. GLWA_OffsetX (ULONG) By default, the gl window render area starts at the inner top left border of the intuition window. You can specify an additional horizontal offset here. GLWA_OffsetY (ULONG) By default, the gl window render area starts at the inner top left border of the intuition window. You can specify an additional vertical offset here. GLWA_Error (ULONG *) ti_Data points to a ULONG which contains an additional error code if the call fails. (Not yet supported) GLWA_Buffered (BOOL) Selects whether all draw operations update the display immediately (FALSE) or everything is updated after a glFlush()/glFinish() operation (TRUE). Defaults to FALSE. RETURN glwindow - pointer to the gl window context created NOTES There is another function which allows the attachment of a gl window context to a graphics RastPort, namely attachGLWndToRPTagList(). SEE ALSO disposeGLWindow() cybergl.library/closeGLWindow cybergl.library/closeGLWindow NAME closeGLWindow - close the specified gl window context and its related intuition window. SYNOPSIS closeGLWindow(glwnd) A0 GLvoid closeGLWindow (GLvoid *) FUNCTION INPUT glwnd - pointer to the glwindow context that is to be closed RETURN NOTES You may only use this function, if you created the gl window using openGLWindowTagList(). Use disposeGLWindow() otherwise. SEE ALSO disposeGLWindow() cybergl.library/disposeGLWindow cybergl.library/disposeGLWindow NAME disposeGLWindow - destroy a gl window context SYNOPSIS disposeGLWindow(glwnd) A0 GLvoid disposeGLWindow(GLvoid *) FUNCTION destroy the specified gl window context INPUT glwnd - pointer to the glwindow context that is to be destroyed RETURN NOTES Use closeGLWindow() if you created the context by using openGLWindowTagList() SEE ALSO attachGLWindowTagList(), attachGLWndToRPTagList() cybergl.library/getWindow cybergl.library/getWindow NAME getWindow -- return the intuition window pointer for a gl window context SYNOPSIS window = getWindow(glwnd) A0 struct Window *getWindow(GLvoid *) FUNCTION return the intuition window pointer for a specified gl window context INPUT glwnd - pointer to the GLwindow context RETURN window - pointer to the intuition window the GLwindow is attached to. MAY RETURN NULL (e.g. if GLwindow context is attached to a rastport instead of a window) NOTES If you created the gl window context by using attachGLWndToRPTagList(), the function will return NULL. SEE ALSO openGLWindowTagList() cybergl.library/glBegin cybergl.library/glBegin NAME glBegin SYNOPSIS glBegin(GLenum mode) FUNCTION Starts the definition of one or several primitives that is finished with glEnd(). Within that specification the primitives point, line, polygon, triangle, square, triangle strip, triangle fan, quad strip are valid but not all possible CyberGL commands. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO glEnd() cybergl.library/glBitMap cybergl.library/glBitMap NAME glBitMap SYNOPSIS GLvoid glBitmap(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte *bitmap); FUNCTION Display a bitmap. For every 0 entry in the bitmap no fragment is generated, every 1 entry passes the current values for z, colour, rasterposition and texture coordinates to the fragment. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glClear cybergl.library/glClear NAME glClear SYNOPSIS GLvoid glClear(GLbitfield mask); FUNCTION Clear one or multiple buffers using the values specified by glClearColor(), glClearIndex(), glClearDepth(). If there is a scissor box defined, only the selected window is cleared INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glClearColor cybergl.library/glClearColor NAME glClearColor SYNOPSIS GLvoid glClearColor(GLclampf red,GLclampd green,GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); FUNCTION Set the current value which is used to clear the display buffer to the specified value which is limited to the interval [0,1]. The actual clearing is done with glClear(). INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glClearDepth cybergl.library/glClearDepth NAME glClearDepth SYNOPSIS GLvoid glClearDepth(GLclampd depth); FUNCTION Set the current value which is used to clear the z-Buffer to the specified value which is limited to the interval [0,1]. The actual clearing is done with glClear(). INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glClearIndex cybergl.library/glClearIndex NAME glClearIndex SYNOPSIS GLvoid glClearIndex(GLfloat c); FUNCTION Set the current colour clearindex for the display buffer to the specified value. The argument will be converted to a floating point value and masked into the valid interval. The actual clearing is done with glClear(). INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glClipPlane cybergl.library/glClipPlane NAME glClipPlane SYNOPSIS GLvoid glClipPlane(GLenum pname,const GLdouble *equation); FUNCTION Define additional clipping planes. This are specified by their level equation in the second parameter and don't need to be parallel to the main level of the coordinate system. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glColor3 cybergl.library/glColor3 NAME glColor3 SYNOPSIS glColor3{b s i f d ub us ui}(TYPE red, TYPE green, TYPE blue); FUNCTION Set the current colour. The alpha component is set to 1.0 by default. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glColor4 cybergl.library/glColor4 NAME glColor4 SYNOPSIS glColor4{b s i f d ub us ui}(TYPE red, TYPE green, TYPE blue, TYPE alpha); FUNCTION Set the current colour. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glColorMaterial cybergl.library/glColorMaterial NAME glColorMaterial SYNOPSIS GLvoid glColorMaterial(GLenum face, GLenum mode); FUNCTION Combines the selected material parameter of primitives with the current colour. This is far simpler than using the glMaterial() call. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glCullFace cybergl.library/glCullFace NAME glCullFace SYNOPSIS glCullFace(mode); GLvoid glCullFace(GLenum mode); FUNCTION Specify whether the front or backface of triangles, squares, polygons or rectangles can be removed automatically or not. The front or backface of primitives is defined by glFrontFace() INPUT mode - either GL_FRONT or GL_BACK NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glDepthFunc cybergl.library/glDepthFunc NAME glDepthFunc SYNOPSIS GLvoid glDepthFunc(GLenum func); FUNCTION Define the type of z-buffer test when computing fragments. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glDepthRange cybergl.library/glDepthRange NAME glDepthRange SYNOPSIS GLvoid glDepthRange(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar); FUNCTION Define an interval of z-values for transformation from standardized projection coordinates to view coordinates. The input values are limited to the valid interval [0,1]. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glDisable cybergl.library/glDisable NAME glDisable SYNOPSIS GLvoid glDisable(GLenum cap); FUNCTION Disable certain features of CyberGL, e.g. deactivate dithering, fogging, lighting or texturing. Use glEnable() to activate certain features. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO glEnable() cybergl.library/glDrawBuffer cybergl.library/glDrawBuffer NAME glDrawBuffer SYNOPSIS GLvoid glDrawBuffer(GLenum mode); FUNCTION Set the current picture buffer which is used to render colours or colour indexes to. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glDrawPixels cybergl.library/glDrawPixels NAME glDrawPixels SYNOPSIS GLvoid glDrawPixels(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *data); FUNCTION Display a picture from memory at the current raster position. Depending on the type and format of the specified picture, pixels will be understood as colour, colour index, stencil buffer entry, z value, alpha value or luminance value. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glEdgeFlag cybergl.library/glEdgeFlag NAME glEdgeFlag SYNOPSIS GLvoid glEdgeFlag(GLboolean flag); GLvoid glEdgeFlagv(const GLboolean *flag); FUNCTION Mark points of primitives by taking over the specified mark. You can modify the display mode of marked edges by glPolygonMode(). INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glEnable cybergl.library/glEnable NAME glEnable SYNOPSIS GLvoid glEnable(GLenum cap); FUNCTION Activate certain features of CyberGL, e.g. activate dithering, fogging, lighting or texturing. Use glDisable() for deactivation. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO glDisable() cybergl.library/glEnd cybergl.library/glEnd NAME glEnd SYNOPSIS GLvoid glEnd(GLvoid); FUNCTION Finish the specification of primitives. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO glBegin() cybergl.library/glFinish cybergl.library/glFinish NAME glFinish SYNOPSIS GLvoid glFinish(GLvoid); FUNCTION Executes all pending CyberGL functions. It is guaranteed that all functions are executed after that call. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glFlush cybergl.library/glFlush NAME glFlush SYNOPSIS GLvoid glFlush(GLvoid); FUNCTION Executes all pending CyberGL functions. In contrast to glFinish() it does not wait for the end of the execution. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glFog cybergl.library/glFog NAME glFog SYNOPSIS GLvoid glFog{f i}(GLenum pname, TYPE param); GLvoid glFog{f i}v(GLenum pname, constTYPE *params); FUNCTION Specify the fogging parameters. If fogging is enabled, you can define the function, the depth and the front and back boundaries of the fog color or the fog index respectively. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glFrontFace cybergl.library/glFrontFace NAME glFrontFace SYNOPSIS GLvoid glFrontFace(GLenum mode); FUNCTION Define the front- and backface of surfaces by specifying its orientation. This can be either a count of points in closewise or anti-clockwise direction. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glFrustum cybergl.library/glFrustum NAME glFrustum SYNOPSIS GLvoid glFrustum(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar); FUNCTION Multiply the current matrix with a matrix for perspective projection. The parameters define the visible area. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetBooleanv cybergl.library/glGetBooleanv NAME glGetBooleanv SYNOPSIS GLvoid glGetBooleanv(GLenum pname,GLboolean *params); FUNCTION Can be used to query the CyberGL-state similar to glGetDoublev() , glGetFloatv() and glGetIntegerv(). It returns the data in boolean format (TRUE/FALSE). Parameters which are typically queried with glGetBooleanv can be queried far simpler with glIsEnabled(). INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetClipPlane cybergl.library/glGetClipPlane NAME glGetClipPlane SYNOPSIS GLvoid glGetClipPlane(GLenum plane,GLdouble *equation); FUNCTION Query the currentparameter for the specified clipping plane. You can specify a new equation with glClipPlane(). INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetDoublev cybergl.library/glGetDoublev NAME glGetDoublev SYNOPSIS GLvoid glGetDoublev(GLenum pname,GLdouble *params); FUNCTION Can be used to query the CyberGL-state similar to glGetBooleanv() , glGetFloatv() and glGetIntegerv(). It returns the data in double precision floating point format. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetError cybergl.library/glGetError NAME glGetError - return the current error state SYNOPSIS error = glGetError(); GLenum glGetError(GLvoid); FUNCTION Returns the current error state and resets it. INPUT RETURN error - returns a constant specifying the error state Possible return values are: GL_NO_ERROR There was no error GL_INVALID_ENUM invalid number specified GL_INVALID_VALUE numeric parameter had an invalid value GL_INVALID_OPERATION invalid operation executed GL_STACK_OVERFLOW the called function would lead to a stack overflow GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW caller tried to read from an empty stack GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY system does not have enough memory to execute this call NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetFloatv cybergl.library/glGetFloatv NAME glGetFloatv SYNOPSIS GLvoid glGetFloatv(GLenum pname,GLfloat *params); FUNCTION Can be used to query the CyberGL-state similar to glGetBooleanv() , glGetDoublev() and glGetIntegerv(). It returns the data in simple precision floating point format. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetIntegerv cybergl.library/glGetIntegerv NAME glGetIntegerv SYNOPSIS GLvoid glGetIntegerv(GLenum pname,GLint *params); FUNCTION Can be used to query the CyberGL-state similar to glGetBooleanv() , glGetDoublev() and glGetFloatv(). It returns the data in integer format. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetLight cybergl.library/glGetLight NAME glGetLight SYNOPSIS GLvoid glGetLight{i f}v(GLenum light,GLenum pname,TYPE *params); FUNCTION Get the light source parameters of a specified light source. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetMaterial cybergl.library/glGetMaterial NAME glGetMaterial SYNOPSIS GLvoid glGetMaterial{i f}v(GLenum face,GLenum pname, TYPE *params); FUNCTION Get the current material parameters for front and back faces respectively. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetPixelMap cybergl.library/glPixelMap NAME glGetPixelMap SYNOPSIS GLvoid glGetPixelMap{ui us f}v(GLenum map,TYPE *values); FUNCTION Get the translation table set by glPixelMap() to translate pixelmaps. This tables affect calls like glDrawPixels. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetString cybergl.library/glGetString NAME glGetString - Get implementation specific information SYNOPSIS string = glGetString(name); GLubyte *glGetString(GLenum name); FUNCTION Get implementation specific information: the manufacturer, the platform, the version and the extensions to CyberGL. INPUT name - specifies which information string should be returned Possible values are: GL_VENDOR return the vendor or the responsible company respectively This is "phase 5 digital products / Frank Gerberding" for v39 and v40 of the library GL_RENDERER return the configuration, always "Amiga" currently GL_VERSION return version and release numbers GL_EXTENSIONS return a list of extensions. For cybergl.library V39 and V40, it returns "glProject glUnProject glPickMatrix glLookAt glPerspective" currently, since the cybergl.library implements a small function subset of the GL utility library which simplify transformations. RETURN constant string pointer which contains the requested information NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetTexEnv cybergl.library/glGetTexEnv NAME glGetTexEnv SYNOPSIS GLvoid glGetTexEnv{f i}v(GLenum target, GLenum pname, TYPE *params); FUNCTION Get the environment parameters for textures. This parameters are used to define the final colours for fragments. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetTexGen cybergl.library/glGetTexGen NAME glGetTexGen SYNOPSIS GLvoid glGetTexGen{d f i}v(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, TYPE *params); FUNCTION Get the texture parameters that are used to generate texture coordinates automatically for the specified component. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetTexImage cybergl.library/glGetTexImage NAME glGetTexImage SYNOPSIS glGetTexImage(GLenum target, GLenum level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels); FUNCTION Returns the texture level of the dimension specified by target and level in the given format. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetTexLevelParameter cybergl.library/glGetTexLevelParameter NAME glGetTexLevelParameter SYNOPSIS glGetTexLevelParameter{f i}v(GLenum target, GLenum level, GLenum pname, TYPE *params); FUNCTION Query the parameters of a certain texture level, e.g. the extension of it and its format. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glGetTexParameter cybergl.library/glGetTexParameter NAME glGetTexParameter SYNOPSIS glGetTexParameter{f i}v(GLenum target, GLenum pname, TYPE *params); FUNCTION Query the parameters of a texture, e.g. the function to resize a texture or how the texture is continued. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glHint cybergl.library/glHint NAME glHint SYNOPSIS GLvoid glHint(GLenum target, GLenum mode); FUNCTION Define how certain calculation should be done. You can define certain aspects such like quality of calculations with that function. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glIndex cybergl.library/glIndex NAME glIndex SYNOPSIS GLvoid glIndex{s i f d}(TYPE index); GLvoid glIndex{s i f d}v(const TYPE *v); FUNCTION Set the current colourindex to the specified value. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glInitNames cybergl.library/glInitNames NAME glInitNames SYNOPSIS GLvoid glInitNames(GLvoid); FUNCTION Initialize the stack that manages selectable units in selection mode. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glIsEnabled cybergl.library/glIsEnabled NAME glIsEnabled SYNOPSIS GLboolean glIsEnabled(GLenum cap); FUNCTION Query the available abilities of CyberGL. The return value specifies whether the capability "cap" is available (TRUE) or not (FALSE). INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glLight cybergl.library/glLight NAME glLight SYNOPSIS GLvoid glLight{i f}(GLenum light,GLenum pname, TYPE param); GLvoid glLight{i f}v(GLenum light,GLenum pname,const TYPE *params); FUNCTION Define the light source parameters such as the ambient, diffuse and reflecting part, the position, direction and diverse softening parameters INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glLightModel cybergl.library/glLightModel NAME glLightModel SYNOPSIS GLvoid glLightModel{i f}(GLenum pname, TYPE param); GLvoid glLightModel{i f}v(GLenum pname,const TYPE *params); FUNCTION Define the global parameters used in the light calculation. This affects the global ambient part, the computation of the view vector and the light computation for polygons with front and back face. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glLoadIdentity cybergl.library/glLoadIdentity NAME glLoadIdentity - Replace the current matrix by a uniform matrix SYNOPSIS glLoadIdentity() GLvoid glLoadIdentity(GLvoid); FUNCTION Replace the current matrix by a uniform matrix. The uniform matrix looks like this: { 1 0 0 0 } { } { 0 1 0 0 } E = { } { 0 0 1 0 } { } { 0 0 0 1 } INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glLoadMatrix cybergl.library/glLoadMatrix NAME glLoadMatrix - Replace the current matrix by the specified one SYNOPSIS glLoadMatrix(m) GLvoid glLoadMatrix{f d}(const TYPE *m); FUNCTION Replace the current matrix by the specified one. The matrix looks like this: { m00 m04 m08 m12 } { } { m01 m05 m09 m13 } M = { } { m02 m06 m10 m14 } { } { m03 m07 m11 m15 } INPUT m - pointer to a matrix NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glLoadName cybergl.library/glLoadName NAME glLoadName SYNOPSIS GLvoid glLoadName(GLuint name); FUNCTION Replace the top element on the stack for the management of names in selection mode. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glMaterial cybergl.library/glMaterial NAME glMaterial SYNOPSIS GLvoid glMaterial{f i}(GLenum face, GLenum pname, TYPE param); GLvoid glMaterial{f i}v(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const TYPE *params); FUNCTION Define the material parameters for front faces, back faces or both. INPUT face - either GL_FRONT, GL_BACK or GL_FRONT_AND_BACK pname - specifies which material parameter is to be set. In the non vectorial form, you can only specify GL_SHININESS. The parameters can be: GL_AMBIENT ambient reflected color (default 0.2,0.2,0.2,1.0) GL_DIFFUSE diffuse reflected color (default 0.8,0.8,0.8,1.0) GL_SPECULAR specular reflected color (default 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) GL_EMISSION emmision color of surface (default 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) GL_SHININESS luminance coefficient (default 0.0) GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE both ambient and diffuse color (see above) GL_COLOR_INDEXES indexes of the ambient, diffuse and specular color (0,1,1) NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glMatrixMode cybergl.library/glMatrixMode NAME glMatrixMode SYNOPSIS glMatrixMode(mode); GLvoid glMatrixMode(GLenum mode); FUNCTION Set the current matrix mode and specify the destination of following matrix operations. modes are modelview matrix (GL_MODELVIEW) and perspective matrix (GL_PROJECTION). INPUT mode - either GL_MODELVIEW or GL_PROJECTION. NOTES mode GL_TEXTURE is not implemented yet SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glMultMatrix cybergl.library/glMultMatrix NAME glMultMatrix SYNOPSIS GLvoid glMultMatrix{f d}(const TYPE* m); FUNCTION Multiply the current matrix with the specified one. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glNormal3 cybergl.library/glNormal3 NAME glNormal3 SYNOPSIS glNormal3{b s i f d}(TYPE nx, TYPE ny, TYPE nz); glNormal3{b s i f d}v(const TYPE *v); FUNCTION Set the current normal vector to the specified value. The vector does not need to have a normalized length and will only be transformed to a normalized length after the transformation if standardization is activated. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glOrtho cybergl.library/glOrtho NAME glOrtho SYNOPSIS GLvoid glOrtho(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar); FUNCTION Multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix for parallel projection. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glPixelMap cybergl.library/glPixelMap NAME glPixelMap SYNOPSIS GLvoid glPixelMap{ui us f}v(GLenum map,GLint mapsize, const TYPE *values); FUNCTION Defines the translation table that is used for glDrawPixels() and when specifying textures. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glPixelStore cybergl.library/glPixelStore NAME glPixelStore SYNOPSIS GLvoid glPixelStore{f i}(GLenum pname,TYPE param); FUNCTION Define the current pixel store mode when reading or writing pixel maps. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glPixelTransfer cybergl.library/glPixelTransfer NAME glPixelTransfer SYNOPSIS GLvoid glPixelTransfer{i f}(GLenum pname,TYPE param); FUNCTION Define the parameters of the pixel transfer mode when reading or writing pixelmaps. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glPixelZoom cybergl.library/glPixelZoom NAME glPixelZoom SYNOPSIS GLvoid glPixelZoom(GLfloat xfactor, GLfloat yfactor); FUNCTION Define the scaling factor for the display of pixelmaps. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glPolygonMode cybergl.library/glPolygonMode NAME glPolygonMode SYNOPSIS GLvoid glPolygonMode(GLenum face, GLenum mode); FUNCTION Define the raster mode for polygons. Depending on glEdgeFlag() the polygons are rendered as points, as wire frame or filled. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glPopAttrib cybergl.library/glPopAttrib NAME glPopAttrib - Get the stored groups of state variables from the attribute stack. SYNOPSIS glPopAttrib(); GLvoid glPopAttrib(GLvoid); FUNCTION Get the stored groups of state variables from the attribute stack. The current values are replaced if affected. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO glPushAttrib() cybergl.library/glPopMatrix cybergl.library/glPopMatrix NAME glPopMatrix SYNOPSIS GLvoid glPopMatrix(GLvoid); FUNCTION Replace the current matrix by the previous matrix on the current stack. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glPopName cybergl.library/glPopName NAME glPopName SYNOPSIS GLvoid glPopName(); FUNCTION Delete the top element of the namestack in selection mode. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glPushAttrib cybergl.library/glPushAttrib NAME glPushAttrib SYNOPSIS glPushAttrib(mask); GLvoid glPushAttrib(GLbitfield mask); FUNCTION Store the groups of state variables of CyberGL specified by the mask bitfield on the attribute stack. Not all state variables can be stored. INPUT mask - specifies which attribute groups are stored. If not all attribute groups should be stored using GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS, single groups need to be ORed. Attribute groups are: GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT accumulation buffer GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT color buffer GL_CURRENT_BIT current values GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT depth buffer GL_ENABLE_BIT enable/disable states GL_EVAL_BIT evaluators GL_FOG_BIT fog GL_HINT_BIT execution hints GL_LIGHTING_BIT lighting GL_LINE_BIT display of lines GL_LIST_BIT display list GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT display of bitmaps GL_POINT_BIT display of points GL_POLYGON_BIT display of polygons GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT display of stippled polygons GL_SCISSOR_BIT scissors GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT stencil buffer GL_TEXTURE_BIT texturing GL_TRANSFORM_BIT transformation and clipping GL_VIEWPORT_BIT viewport area NOTES SEE ALSO glPopAttrib() cybergl.library/glPushMatrix cybergl.library/glPushMatrix NAME glPushMatrix SYNOPSIS GLvoid glPushMatrix(GLvoid); FUNCTION Duplicate the current matrix and put it on top of the current stack INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glPushName cybergl.library/glPushName NAME glPushName SYNOPSIS glPushName(GLuint name); FUNCTION Save the specified name on top of the namestack in selection mode. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glRasterPos2 cybergl.library/glRasterPos2 NAME glRasterPos2 SYNOPSIS glRasterPos2{s i f d}(TYPE x, TYPE y); glRasterPos2{s i f d}v(const TYPE *v); FUNCTION Set the current raster position by specifying its object coordinates. w is set to 1, z is set to 0 by default. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glRasterPos3 cybergl.library/glRasterPos3 NAME glRasterPos3 SYNOPSIS glRasterPos3{s i f d}(TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z); glRasterPos3{s i f d}v(const TYPE *v); FUNCTION Set the current raster position by specifying its object coordinates. w is set to 1 by default. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glRasterPos4 cybergl.library/glRasterPos4 NAME glRasterPos4 SYNOPSIS glRasterPos4{s i f d}(TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z, TYPE w); glRasterPos4{s i f d}v(const TYPE *v); FUNCTION Set the current raster position by specifying object coordinates. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glRect cybergl.library/glRect NAME glRect SYNOPSIS glRect{s i f d}(TYPE x1, TYPE y1, TYPE x2, TYPE y2); glRect{s i f d}v(const TYPE *v1, const TYPE *v2); FUNCTION Define a rectangle by specifying two points. It is rendered at z-level 0 INPUT NOTES cybergl.library/glRenderMode cybergl.library/glRenderMode NAME glRenderMode SYNOPSIS glRenderMode(GLenum mode); FUNCTION Define the rendering mode by selecting one of the three available modes: GL_RENDER, GL_SELECT or GL_FEEDBACK. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glRotate cybergl.library/glRotate NAME glRotate SYNOPSIS glRotate{f d}(TYPE angle, TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z); FUNCTION Multiply the current matrix with the given rotation matrix. It is defined by anti-clockwise rotation (mathematically positive) around the axis from the origin through the specified point. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glScale cybergl.library/glScale NAME glScale SYNOPSIS glScale{f d}(TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z); FUNCTION Multiply the current matrix with the given scaling matrix. It is defined by scaling with the the specified factors x,y and z. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glSelectBuffer cybergl.library/glSelectBuffer NAME glSelectBuffer SYNOPSIS glSelectBuffer(GLsizei size, GLuint *buffer); FUNCTION You can pass a buffer for selection information with that function. For every defined event of the selection mode, the buffer will be updated with the current state of the namestack and additional information, e.g. depth area. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glShadeModel cybergl.library/glShadeModel NAME glShadeModel SYNOPSIS glShadeModel(GLenum mode); FUNCTION Sets the shading model. Possible modes are constant shading (flat shading) and interpolation of colour values, also known as gouroud shading. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glTexCoord1 cybergl.library/glTexCoord1 NAME glTexCoord1 SYNOPSIS glTexCoord1{d f i s}(TYPE s); FUNCTION Modify the current texture coordinate which is associated with the points of polygons. The q value is set to 1, the r and t value is set to 0 by default. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glTexCoord2 cybergl.library/glTexCoord2 NAME glTexCoord2 SYNOPSIS glTexCoord2{d f i s}(TYPE s, TYPE t); FUNCTION Modify the current texture coordinate which is associated with the points of polygons. The q value is set to 1, the r value is set to 0 by default. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glTexCoord3 cybergl.library/glTexCoord3 NAME glTexCoord3 SYNOPSIS glTexCoord3{d f i s}(TYPE s, TYPE t, TYPE r); FUNCTION Modify the current texture coordinate which is associated with the points of polygons. The q value is set to 1 by default. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glTexCoord4 cybergl.library/glTexCoord4 NAME glTexCoord4 SYNOPSIS glTexCoord4{d f i s}(TYPE s, TYPE t, TYPE r, TYPE q); FUNCTION Modify the current texture coordinate which is associated with the points of polygons. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glTexEnv cybergl.library/glTexEnv NAME glTexEnv SYNOPSIS GLvoid glTexEnv{f i}(GLenum target, GLenum pname, TYPE param); GLvoid glTexEnv{f i}v(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const TYPE *param); FUNCTION Set the environment parameters for textures. The call influences the way how the fragment colour is computed based on the already computed and texture colour. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glTexGen cybergl.library/glTexGen NAME glTexGen SYNOPSIS GLvoid glTexGen{d f i}(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, TYPE param); GLvoid glTexGen{d f i}v(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const TYPE *param); FUNCTION Set the way, how texture coordinates are computed automatically. This can be linear combination of object coordiantes or linear combination of viewpoint coordiantes. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glTexImage1D cybergl.library/glTexImage1D NAME glTexImage1D SYNOPSIS GLvoid glTexImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint components, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); FUNCTION Define a one dimensional texture by texture level, width, format and actual texture data INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glTexImage2D cybergl.library/glTexImage2D NAME glTexImage2D SYNOPSIS GLvoid glTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint components, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); FUNCTION Define a 2d texture by texture level, width, height, format and actual texture data INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glTexParameter cybergl.library/glTexParameter NAME glTexParameter SYNOPSIS glTexParameter{f i}(GLenum target, GLenum pname, TYPE param); glTexParameter{f i}v(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const TYPE param); FUNCTION Set the parameters for surface texturing. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glTranslate cybergl.library/glTranslate NAME glTranslate SYNOPSIS glTranslate{f d}(TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z); FUNCTION Multiply the current matrix with the given translation matrix. It is computed by translation of the given vector coordinates. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glVertex2 cybergl.library/glVertex2 NAME glVertex2 SYNOPSIS glVertex2{s i f d}{v}(TYPE x, TYPE y); FUNCTION Define the points of a primitive within a glBegin() and glEnd() context. The w-walue is defined as 1.0, the z-value is defined as 0.0 by default. The current colour, normal vector and texture coordinates are associated with this point. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glVertex3 cybergl.library/glVertex3 NAME glVertex3 SYNOPSIS glVertex3{s i f d}{v}(TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z); FUNCTION Define the points of a primitive within a glBegin() and glEnd() context. The w-walue is defined as 1.0 by default. The current colour, normal vector and texture coordinates are associated with this point. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glVertex4 cybergl.library/glVertex4 NAME glVertex4 SYNOPSIS glVertex4{s i f d}{v}(TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z, TYPE w); FUNCTION Define the points of a primitive within a glBegin() and glEnd() context. The current colour, normal vector and texture coordinates are associated with this point. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/glViewPort cybergl.library/glViewPort NAME glViewPort SYNOPSIS glViewport(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); FUNCTION Define the relation between normalized device and window coordinates for x and y. width and height of the displayarea are implementation specific. INPUT NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.library/openGLWindowTagList cybergl.library/openGLWindowTagList NAME openGLWindowTagList - create a new gl window context and open an intuition window for display. SYNOPSIS glwindow = openGLWindowTagList (width,height,taglist) D0 D1 A0 GLvoid *openGLWindowTagList (GLint,GLint,struct TagList *) FUNCTION create a new gl window context and open an intuition window for display. INPUT width - requested width height - requested height taglist - taglist with additional attributes TAGS GLWA_RGBAMode (BOOL) Selects whether CyberGL renders in RGBA (TRUE) or indexed mode (FALSE). Defaults to TRUE. GLWA_OffsetX (ULONG) By default, the gl window render area starts at the inner top left border of the intuition window. You can specify an additional horizontal offset here. GLWA_OffsetY (ULONG) By default, the gl window render area starts at the inner top left border of the intuition window. You can specify an additional vertical offset here. GLWA_Error (ULONG *) ti_Data points to a ULONG which contains an additional error code if the call fails. (Not yet supported) GLWA_Buffered (BOOL) Selects whether all draw operations update the display immediately (FALSE) or everything is updated after a glFlush()/glFinish() operation (TRUE). Defaults to FALSE. The following tags are equivalent to the tags passed to intuition.library/OpenWindowTagList() and they are passed through to that function actually, so GLWA_Left equals to WA_Left for example GLWA_Left GLWA_Top GLWA_Width GLWA_Height GLWA_DetailPen GLWA_BlockPen GLWA_IDCMP GLWA_Flags GLWA_Gadgets GLWA_Checkmark GLWA_Title GLWA_ScreenTitle GLWA_CustomScreen GLWA_MinWidth GLWA_MinHeight GLWA_MaxWidth GLWA_MaxHeight GLWA_InnerWidth GLWA_InnerHeight GLWA_PubScreenName GLWA_PubScreen GLWA_PubScreenFallBack GLWA_Colors GLWA_Zoom GLWA_MouseQueue GLWA_BackFill GLWA_RptQueue GLWA_SizeGadget GLWA_DragBar GLWA_DepthGadget GLWA_CloseGadget GLWA_Backdrop GLWA_ReportMouse GLWA_NoCareRefresh GLWA_Borderless GLWA_Activate GLWA_RMBTrap GLWA_SimpleRefresh GLWA_SmartRefresh GLWA_SizeBRight GLWA_SizeBBottom GLWA_AutoAdjust GLWA_GimmeZeroZero GLWA_MenuHelp GLWA_NewLookMenus GLWA_AmigaKey GLWA_NotifyDepth GLWA_Pointer GLWA_BusyPointer GLWA_PointerDelay GLWA_TabletMessages GLWA_HelpGroup GLWA_HelpGroupWindow RETURN glwindow - pointer to the created glwindow context NOTES SEE ALSO attachGLWindowTagList(), closeGLWindow() cybergl.library/resizeGLWindow cybergl.library/resizeGLWindow NAME resizeGLWindow -- resize the given gl window to the specified size SYNOPSIS resizeGLWindow(glwnd,width,height) A0 D0 D1 GLvoid resizeGLWindow(GLvoid *,GLint,GLint) FUNCTION resize the given gl window to the specified size INPUT glwnd - pointer to the glwindow context width - new width height - new height RETURN None NOTES SEE ALSO cybergl.elf/attachGLView cybergl.elf/attachGLView NAME attachGLView -- attach a glView to an existing rastport (PPC) SYNOPSIS glView=attachGLView(width, height, rp, bm, remaptab, vtaglist) GLvoid *attachGLView(GLint, GLint, struct RastPort *, struct BitMap *, UBYTE *, struct TagList *) FUNCTION attachGLView -- attach a glView to an existing rastport INPUT width - nominal width of view height - nominal height of view rp - pointer to a rastport the view should be attached to bm - pointer to a friendbitmap (should be rp->BitMap) remaptab - optional pointer to a remap table for 8bit modes may be NULL for rgb modes (NOT SUPPORTED YET) vtaglist - optional tag list RETURN glView - a pointer to the GL view created NOTES SEE ALSO closeGLView() cybergl.elf/closeGLView cybergl.elf/closeGLView NAME closeGLView --- Close an existing glView (PPC) SYNOPSIS closeGLView(glView); void closeGLView(void *); FUNCTION Close an existing glView INPUT glView - a pointer of the GL view to be closed RETURN None NOTES SEE ALSO openGLView() cybergl.elf/openGLView cybergl.elf/openGLView NAME openGLView -- Open a GL view (PPC) SYNOPSIS glView=openGLView(width, height, depth, vtaglist) GLvoid *openGLView(GLint, GLint, GLint, struct TagList *) FUNCTION Open a GL view INPUT width - nominal width of view height - nominal height of view depth - nominal depth of view vtaglist - optional tag list RETURN glView - a pointer to the GL view created NOTES SEE ALSO closeGLView() cybergl.elf/resizeGLView cybergl.elf/resizeGLView NAME resizeGLView -- Resize an existing glView (PPC) SYNOPSIS resizeGLView (glView, width, height) void resizeGLView (GLvoid *, GLint, GLint) FUNCTION Resize an existing glView INPUT glView - a pointer of the GL view to be resized width - new width requested height - new height requested RETURN NOTES Only works for glViews that are created by attachGLView() SEE ALSO attachGLView() .