Description: chnfsc_1.02 NFS client update for AmiTCP-30b2 Keywords: amiga gnu tcp ip nfs Author: (Carsten Heyl) Uploader: (Jorg Hohle) Uploaded-to: (23 Aug 1995) Handled-by: Requires: AmiTCP-bin-30b2 (which is under GNU-GPL copyright) Version: 1.02, updates 1.01 from the AmiTCP-bin-30b2 archive As a beta-tester of the excellent NFS client written by Carsten Heyl, I received a copy of the last version (1.02) of his software that works together with the freely distribuable (under the GNU-GPL, which means that source is available) AmiTCP-30b2. Later versions of chnfsc would require the commercial (or demo version) AmiTCP-4.x. I have permission by Carsten Heyl to distribute this archive. It updates the chnfs_1.01 distribution found in the AmiTCP-bin-30b2 archive. Don't let the BETA in the filenames disturb you, Carsten's software has worked very reliably for me, thanks Carsten! Enjoy it too, Jorg Hohle .