#!/usr/bin/perl # Super simple little mbox to gopher script # runs as a filter for gophernicus # # save to your filter/ directory as mbox # and make sure those mbox files you want to serve up ends with .mbox # # 13/10 added slightly better formation of emails, and simple # mail thread support # add the following to the gophernicus.conf # to make mbox files be handled as dirctories for the filter # ext=mbox:1 # # Jacob Dahl Pind/2010 # use Mail::Box::Manager; use Mail::Box::Thread::Manager; use Mail::Address; #use double; use strict; my $mbox = $ARGV[0]; my $mgr = Mail::Box::Manager->new; my $folder = $mgr->open(folder => $mbox, access => 'r', lock_type => 'none' ); my $lcount = 0; my $req = $ENV{REQUEST}; my $mail = $ENV{SEARCHREQUEST}; my $server = $ENV{SERVER_HOST}; my $port = $ENV{SERVER_PORT}; my @followup_list; chop $req; sub dumpcgi{ foreach my $var (sort(keys(%ENV))) { my $val = $ENV{$var}; $val =~ s|\n|\\n|g; $val =~ s|"|\\"|g; print "${var}=\"${val}\"\n"; } } sub mail2gopher{ my $msg = $folder->message($_[0]); my $address_from = $msg->sender; print "iFrom: ".$address_from->format,"\r\n"; print "iDate: ".localtime($msg->timestamp)."\r\n"; print "iSubject: ".$msg->subject."\r\n"; print "i\r\n"; foreach (split(/\n/,$msg->body)){ print "i".$_."\r\n"; } } sub mail2thread{ my $msg= $folder->message($mail); my $threads = $mgr->threads($folder); my $thread = $threads->threadStart($msg); # loop though all mails and find the thread start foreach $msg ($folder->messages) { if ($msg->messageId eq $thread->messageId){ if ( $lcount eq $mail){ } else { print "iThread start\r\n"; print "1".$msg->subject."\t".$req."?".$msg->seqnr."\t$server\t$port\r\n"; } } $lcount++; } foreach ($thread->followUps){ # loop through all mails and find those where In-Reply-To matchs the current messageId foreach $msg ($folder->messages) { if ($msg->messageId eq $_->message->messageId){ print "1Followup: ".$msg->subject."\t".$req."?".$msg->seqnr."\t$server\t$port\r\n"; } $lcount++; } } } sub mail2followup{ my $threads_ = $mgr->threads($folder); my $thread = $threads_->threadStart($_->message); foreach ($thread->followUps){ $lcount=0; # loop through all mails and find those where In-Reply-To matchs the current messageId foreach my $msg ($folder->messages) { if ($msg->messageId eq $_->message->messageId){ print "1| ".$msg->subject."\t".$req."?".$lcount."\t$server\t$port\r\n"; } $lcount++; } } } sub mail_followups{ foreach ($_->followUps){ undef my %is_follow; for(@followup_list){ $is_follow{$_} = 1} if ($is_follow{$_->message->seqnr}) { } else { push(@followup_list,$_->message->seqnr); print "1| ".$_->message->subject."\t".$req."?".$_->message->seqnr."\t$server\t$port\r\n"; } &mail_followups($_->message); } } # main loop # lookup a single email from the box if ($mail ne ""){ &mail2gopher($mail); &mail2thread($mail); } else { # looper gennem alle mails med mbox, koer thread paa alle mails, og gem startmail seqnr # looper gennem arrayed af alle starts mails. # list all emails in the box my $threads = $mgr->threads(folder =>$folder, window=>100); foreach ($folder->messages) { my $msg = $threads->threadStart($_); # dummy is missing thread start if ($msg->message->isDummy){ print "1".$_->subject."\t".$req."?".$_->seqnr."\t$server\t$port\r\n"; # print "i".$msg->message->subject." : ".$msg->message->seqnr."\r\n"; # &mail_followups($msg); } else { if ($_->seqnr eq $msg->message->seqnr){ print "1".$_->subject."\t".$req."?".$_->seqnr."\t$server\t$port\r\n"; } else { # print "1".$msg->message->subject." : ".$msg->message->seqnr."\r\n"; print "1".$_->subject."\t".$req."?".$_->seqnr."\t$server\t$port\r\n"; } } } foreach (@followup_list){ print "1".$_->message->subject."\t".$req."?".$_->message->seqnr."\t$server\t$port\r\n"; &mail_followups($_); } exit 0; print "istarthere\r\n"; my $threads = $mgr->threads(folder =>$folder, window=>100); foreach ($threads->sortedAll){ if ($_->message->isDummy){ &mail_followups($_); } else { print "1".$_->message->subject."\t".$req."?".$_->message->seqnr."\t$server\t$port\r\n"; push(@followup_list,$_->message->seqnr); &mail_followups($_); # &mail2followup($_); } # print "i".$_->message->messageId."\r\n"; } } .