       Date: Tue Nov 20 20:48:31 2007
       Subject: [gopher] Re: BRING THE GOPHER BACK
       It would be a big help if QUUX would keep this mailing lists archives updated on Gopher
       Stegozor <> wrote:
         On 11/12/07, Pawel 
       There is a quite important issue on this, keeping gopher in Mozilla
       core. Please see gopher:// .
       Cameron was working on a JavaScript implementation of Gopher protocol
       support (see for
       more information) because it's more or less the implicit deal. Either
       we get this support ported from C++ to JavaScript, a more
       memory-safe language, or Mozilla guys will seriously think about
       removing it for security reasons. We still have time, but next time
       this subject will be brought on the table if we have nothing in our
       hands, we'll not be able to convince them.
       May I humbly ask all hackers here to work together on this issue?
       Cameron can say much more than me on this issue, and sorry for not
       being able to help on this.
       > 6. Better communication
       > There should be some offical IRC channel
       There is one, #gopherproject at freenode (
       irc:// ) but it's not well known. I
       heard of it after having read this list for more than one year.
       As for the marketing, I have a quite simple proposal: let's move from
       this list to the public news:comp.infosystems.gopher newsgroup before
       it is possibly removed by the Big-8 managament board because of
       inactivy (The Big-8 hierarchy is protected from spam by cancelbots, so
       this newsgroup doesn't get flooded at all). By doing so we would allow
       newbies and everybody to see that the beast is still alive, and this
       would bring fresh blood to the community. Right now, what's happening?
       People look at this newsgroup and think that Gopher is dead and
       buried. Let's show that they're wrong.
       You can find several decent, free, public news servers at , not to
       mention Google Groups. And to prevent spam in your inbox, I'd suggest
       a free e-mail account from Gmail to use only on this newsgroup. It has
       POP3 and IMAP servers, mail forwarding, a web interface with and
       without JavaScript along with a very efficient spam filters (I use
       mine without modifying my mail on the web, on Usenet and elsewhere
       without getting my inbox flooded) so this really shouldn't be an
       issue. Writing a FAQ and posting it regularly would also be very
       useful, all this at no cost and with very few efforts.
       Also, just FYI, the webmaster of has recently written an
       article about the server of Chris. Please see:
       And guess what, he talks about Firefox. Luckily he didn't notice the
       port 70 bug ;-P Talking about that, maybe porting Mozilla's gopher
       code into JavaScript might help us to correct this...
       Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was
       Stalin. If you're in favor of free speech, then you're in favor of
       freedom of speech precisely for views you despise. Otherwise, you're
       not in favor of free speech - Noam Chomsky.
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 (DIR) Followup: [gopher] Re: BRING THE GOPHER BACK
 (DIR) Followup: [gopher] Re: BRING THE GOPHER BACK
 (DIR) Followup: [gopher] Re: BRING THE GOPHER BACK
 (DIR) Followup: [gopher] Re: BRING THE GOPHER BACK
 (DIR) Followup: [gopher] Re: BRING THE GOPHER BACK
 (DIR) Followup: [gopher] Re: BRING THE GOPHER BACK
 (DIR) Followup: [gopher] Re: BRING THE GOPHER BACK
 (DIR) Followup: [gopher] Re: BRING THE GOPHER BACK