       Date: Sat Jan 31 18:35:09 2009
       Subject: [gopher] Re: How to handle lines beginning by a dot?
       Hash: SHA1
       On Thursday 29 January 2009 02:23, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
       > That is a fascinating question. There is no <crlf> after it, so I would say
       > print it as is, a one-byte binary file if you like.
       Well, the idea of the question was rather "how to handle a dot-cr-lf line in a document which has to be served by Gopher?" :-)
       Say, we have a file like that:
       - ----
       Blah blah<CR/LF>
       - ----
       There's a line which contains a single dot, followed by CR/LF chars... If I would be a Gopher server, how would I handle that? If I send that as-is, then there is a pretty big risk that the client will cut the file after that "dot-CR/LF" line, thinking that it is the end of transmition...
       Matjaž proposed to turn such line into "dot-space-CR/LF". Indeed, that's an interesting solution, as it doesn't change anything visually for the end user, and make sure that the gopher client won't be fooled...
       Best regards,
       Mateusz Viste
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 (DIR) [gopher] How to handle lines beginning by a dot?
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 (DIR) [gopher] How to handle lines beginning by a dot?
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 (DIR) Followup: [gopher] Re: How to handle lines beginning by a dot?