       Date: Wed Jan 13 09:07:18 2010
       Subject: Re: [gopher] Gopherlogs!
       On Tuesday 12 January 2010 23:49, Wesley Teal wrote:
       > Bucktooth allows arguments to be passed straight to the script, so I
       > used that because it was simple.  However, it also passes executables an
       > environmental variable "SELECTOR" which, with a little more parsing,
       > could be used the same as argv[].  
       "SELECTOR" is not really a CGI-aware environnement variable...
       > If you pass me along some references 
       > for how kgopherd handles CGI, I can try to make germ more friendly to
       > your
       > server.
       You might want to look at my manual:
       There, at the chapter "Gopher CGI-style scripts", I described how all the
       CGI thing is handled by my server - Grumpy. When implementing CGI in
       Grumpy, I tried to stay as close as possible to the original CGI
       For security reasons, Grumpy do not pass *any* data as parameters to CGI
       scripts. The only way to provide external data to scripts is using
       definied environnement variables.
       I've put some cool Gopher CGI applications as examples of "what can be
       done" at the following address (no sources provided, but I can provide
       them on demand - all is written in FreeBASIC):
       Best regards,
       Mateusz Viste
       Gopher-Project mailing list
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] Gopherlogs!