       Date: Mon Jul 19 15:15:51 2010
       Subject: [gopher] new pygopherd  user
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       G'day all =2C My name is Daniel and I've had a gopher site running for a fe=
       w weeks...
       This list linked from John's site used to be broken. Its great to seee it w=
       orking again=2C(well I cant be sure of that!)
       anyway i have may questions=2Cas John doesn't answer them on #gopherproject
       this is a test post.
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       .hmmessage P
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       G'day all =2C My name is Daniel and I've had a gopher site running for a fe=
       w weeks...<br>This list linked from John's site used to be broken. Its grea=
       t to seee it working again=2C(well I cant be sure of that!)<br>anyway i hav=
       e may questions=2Cas John doesn't answer them on #gopherproject<br>this is =
       a test post.<br> 
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       Gopher-Project mailing list
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] new pygopherd  user