       Date: Sat Mar 16 14:33:04 2013
       Subject: Re: [gopher] Gopherus - a console-mode gopher client
       Just reply to list... it's relevant.
       D/L link please? I could test with a few machines....
       - Kim
       On Mar 16, 2013, at 15:18, Mateusz Viste <> wrote:
       > Hi Denis,
       > That's really odd, because it's compiling just fine for me (I'm running Linux x86_64, too). I'm using the standard GNU make and gcc.
       > I double checked right now, by downloading the source from my website, and there seem to be nothing wrong with it.
       > Could you please send me the output of your "make -f Makefile.lin" command? (preferably to my direct mail, to not pollute the mailing list too much) :)
       > I'm attaching the text log of my test (maybe it will help you find the problem on your side).
       > cheers,
       > Mateusz
       > On 03/16/2013 01:51 PM, Denis BERNARD wrote:
       >> I tried to compile the source for Linux amd64. Make utility doesn't work against
       >> Makefile.lin. I tried to compile it manually and I found the file "dnscache.c"
       >> was missing.
       >> Regards,
       >> -- Denis
       > <compile.log>_______________________________________________
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 (DIR) [gopher] Gopherus - a console-mode gopher client
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] Gopherus - a console-mode gopher client