From: "Gopher-Project" <>
       Date: Sun Sep 15 21:42:34 2013
       Subject: Re: [gopher] Joining in: I'm the maintainer/host of Gopher Proxy
       On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 06:47:46AM -0700, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
       > > In principle, I have nothing but accolades for what you are doing. It's
       > > just that I don't think it's the right way to get people to use gopher
       > > resources, and further, only serves for further marginalize the
       > > protocol, and has contributed in a big way to support for the protocol
       > > to be dropped from browsers (Firefox just last year I think?).
       From what I remember, Mozilla was *quite* invested into dropping Gopher
       support. No matter what arguments or comments people had against, they
       were not even complaining about having to maintain the code (well, they
       *did* complain, but once Cameron stepped forward and offered to maintain
       it, it became quite obvious that it wasn't the real reason). I doubt not
       having a way to access gopher though HTTP would have stopped them.
       > > The main point however, is that I'm opposed to using a file called
       > > 'robots.txt' on a gopher server. I'm not particular as to what that file
       > > should be called other than that, however - perhaps, arachnid.txt would
       > > suffice - but certainly, unequivocally, something that is specific to
       > > gopher - *not* HTTP.
       > =
       > I think Evert is proposing this for the *web* side of the proxy to retard
       > indexing.
       > =
       > That said, Veronica-2 already uses a robots.txt file so gopherholes can t=
       > it to keep out of certain selectors, so this has precedent.
       Also, I'd say that "robots.txt" sounds like something that's
       robots-specific, not HTTP-specific. If robots.txt is already used for
       HTTP, I wonder if the gopherspace shouldn't just use the same filename.
       HTTP and gopher are somewhat similar with respect to spidering, I'd
       say. From a spider point of view, maybe it'd be simpler to have to worry
       with just one filename?
       -- =
       Nuno Silva (aka njsg)
       Radiotieteen ja -tekniikan laitos
       Aalto-yliopiston s=E4hk=F6tekniikan korkeakoulu
       Gopher-Project mailing list
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 (DIR) [gopher] Joining in: I'm the maintainer/host of Gopher Proxy
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] Joining in: I'm the maintainer/host of Gopher Proxy