From: "Gopher-Project" <>
       Date: Sat Dec 20 08:38:12 2014
       Subject: Re: [gopher] cgod - a new prototype gopher daemon
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       On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Bob Cunnings <>
       > Yes, use the generic TCP Sampler for gopher. I usually set up a thread
       > group and add a loop controller to it, then add some number of TCP samplers
       > sending whatever request selectors I'm interested in testing, To each of
       > these I add a Listener or two, usually the "Graph Results" and/or "View
       > Results in Table" types. Of course you can save the test plan to a file for
       > repeated use. Very nice tool.
       Cool thanks :) I might give it a try!
       James Mills / prologic
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       <div dir=3D"ltr"><div class=3D"gmail_extra"><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">=
       On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Bob Cunnings <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=
       =3D"" target=3D"_blank">
       </a>&gt;</span> wrote:<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0=
        0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Yes, use the generic T=
       CP Sampler for gopher. I usually set up a thread group and add a loop contr=
       oller to it, then add some number of TCP samplers sending whatever request =
       selectors I&#39;m interested in testing, To each of these I add a Listener =
       or two, usually the &quot;Graph Results&quot; and/or &quot;View Results in =
       Table&quot; types. Of course you can save the test plan to a file for repea=
       ted use. Very nice tool.</blockquote></div><br>Cool thanks :) I might give =
       it a try!</div><div class=3D"gmail_extra"><br></div><div class=3D"gmail_ext=
       ra">cheers</div><div class=3D"gmail_extra">James<br><br clear=3D"all"><div>=
       <div class=3D"gmail_signature"><span style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;colo=
       r:rgb(136,136,136);font-size:13px"><br><font face=3D"arial, sans-serif">Jam=
       es Mills / prologic</font><br><br><font face=3D"arial, sans-serif"></font><=
       font face=3D"&#39;courier new&#39;, monospace">E:=C2=A0<a href=3D"mailto:pr=" style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,204)" target=3D"_blank">=</a></font></span><div><span style=3D"font-fami=
       ly:&#39;courier new&#39;,monospace;color:rgb(136,136,136);font-size:13px">W=
       :=C2=A0</span><a href=3D"" style=3D"font=
       -family:&#39;courier new&#39;,monospace;font-size:13px;color:rgb(0,0,204)" =
       Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
       MIME-Version: 1.0
       Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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 (DIR) [gopher] cgod - a new prototype gopher daemon
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] cgod - a new prototype gopher daemon