From: "Gopher-Project" <>
       Date: Tue Jan  5 04:49:15 2016
       Subject: Re: [gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) in development
       Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
       Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
       Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
       sdl... yes good route.. the amiga os4 fellas will probably do a port if you=
        use this library as it is running on AmigaOS 4.1.6+
       Date: Tue=2C 5 Jan 2016 05:35:43 +0200
       Subject: Re: [gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) in development
       Having being a sysadmin for living I absolutely *hate* anything Java-relate=
       d... but I agree that in this gopher market situation :D it's probably the =
       best bet (SDL/C being the other possibility but with absolutely no native c=
       I can help with converting the Java shi^W app to a proper Mac .app bundle (=
       icon in Dock etc). Macs are happy if you just have a bigg'ish app icon like=
        128x128=2C rest of the bundle is just a dir and a couple of metadata files=
       - Kim
       On 05 Jan 2016=2C at 05:17=2C barana . <> wrote:ill do =
       some testing on debian ppc!..if youre not into making bloatware.
       > Date: Mon=2C 4 Jan 2016 19:57:52 -0700
       > From:
       > To:
       > Subject: Re: [gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) in development
       > Great to hear that a modern desktop Gopher client is in development.  Loo=
       ks great so far.  I can be your Linux gopherpig for testing it out on the L=
       inux desktop.  I use Linux both at home(Debian) and at work(RHEL6).  My wor=
       k actively uses Java for our Web development=2C so the JDK is naturally alr=
       eady installed.  I currently use OverbiteFF on my desktop systems to browse=
        and search gopherspace.
       > Best Regards=2C
       >   Kevin Veroneau
       >   Original Message =20
       > Sent:January 4=2C 2016 7:50 PM
       > Subject:[gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) in development
       > Hi all=2C
       > I'm new here=2C this is my first post. Cameron (Floodgap) pointed me to
       > here. I had no idea there was a mailing list like this=2C so I am not up
       > to date on Gopher developments by the community.
       > I've been obsessed by the Gopher protocol for about a year now and
       > wanted to learn developing JavaFX apps in Java=2C so that was a good
       > combination. Therefore=2C I've stared working on a Gopher GUI client.
       > I've posted an early screenshot on Twitter:
       > (yes I should
       > have posted it on my gopherspace too=2C will do soon). Note that I didn't
       > spend much time on the layout out yet=2C I first want the thing to be
       > stable.
       > Right now the GUI-stuff works (tabs=2C back/next....) and I am adding
       > support for more and more Gopher items (right now menu and text files
       > are working)=2C I plan to add as much gopher types as I can. Other
       > features that I've planned are good bookmark management=2C keeping histor=
       > and I'll do my best to make it highly configurable.
       > I know Java is not popular on the desktop anymore=2C but I believe it'll
       > be possible to release executables for Windows and Mac (not sure of
       > Linux)=2C not really looked into that yet. I plan to release the source o=
       > GitHub=2C once I have ironed out some bugs.
       > Let me know if you have ideas for new features or want to share your
       > opinion.
       > Kind regards from The Netherlands=2C
       > Vincent
       > _______________________________________________
       > Gopher-Project mailing list
       > _______________________________________________
       > Gopher-Project mailing list
       _______________________________________________Gopher-Project mailing listG=
       Gopher-Project mailing list=0A= 
       Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
       Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
       .hmmessage P
       font-size: 12pt=3B
       <body class=3D'hmmessage'><div dir=3D'ltr'>sdl... yes good route.. the amig=
       a os4 fellas will probably do a port if you use this library as it is runni=
       ng on AmigaOS 4.1.6+<br><br><div><hr id=3D"stopSpelling">From: kim@holviala=
       .com<br>Date: Tue=2C 5 Jan 2016 05:35:43 +0200<br>To: gopher-project@lists.=<br>Subject: Re: [gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (J=
       ava) in development<br><br><div>Having being a sysadmin for living I absolu=
       tely *hate* anything Java-related... but I agree that in this gopher market=
        situation :D it's probably the best bet (SDL/C being the other possibility=
        but with absolutely no native controls).</div><div><br></div><div>I can he=
       lp with converting the Java shi^W app to a proper Mac .app bundle (icon in =
       Dock etc). Macs are happy if you just have a bigg'ish app icon like 128x128=
       =2C rest of the bundle is just a dir and a couple of metadata files.</div><=
       div><br></div><div><br></div><div>- Kim</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>=
       <div><br></div><br><div><blockquote><div>On 05 Jan 2016=2C at 05:17=2C bara=
       na . &lt=3B<a href=3D""></a>=
       &gt=3B wrote:</div><br class=3D"ecxApple-interchange-newline"><div><div dir=
       =3D"ltr" style=3D"font-family:Calibri=3Bfont-size:16px=3Bfont-style:normal=
       word-spacing:0px=3B">ill do some testing on debian ppc!..if youre not into =
       making bloatware.<div><br><div>&gt=3B Date: Mon=2C 4 Jan 2016 19:57:52 -070=
       0<br>&gt=3B From:<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><a=
        href=3D""></a><br>&gt=3B To:<sp=
       an class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><a href=3D"mailto:goph="></a>=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-=
       converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><a href=3D"mailto:gopher-project@lists.alio="></a><br>&gt=3B Subject=
       : Re: [gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) in development<br>&gt=
       =3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><br>&gt=3B Great=
        to hear that a modern desktop Gopher client is in development. &nbsp=3BLoo=
       ks great so far. &nbsp=3BI can be your Linux gopherpig for testing it out o=
       n the Linux desktop. &nbsp=3BI use Linux both at home(Debian) and at work(R=
       HEL6). &nbsp=3BMy work actively uses Java for our Web development=2C so the=
        JDK is naturally already installed. &nbsp=3BI currently use OverbiteFF on =
       my desktop systems to browse and search gopherspace.<br>&gt=3B<span class=
       =3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><br>&gt=3B Best Regards=2C<br>=
       &gt=3B &nbsp=3B Kevin Veroneau<br>&gt=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-s=
       pace">&nbsp=3B</span><br>&gt=3B &nbsp=3B Original Message &nbsp=3B<br>&gt=
       =3B From:gopher4all@<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">fast=</a><br>&gt=3B Sent:January 4=2C 2016 7:50 PM<br>&gt=3B To:gopher-<=
       a href=3D"">project@lists.alioth.debi=</a><br>&gt=3B Subject:[gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) =
       in development<br>&gt=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</=
       span><br>&gt=3B Hi all=2C<br>&gt=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space"=
       >&nbsp=3B</span><br>&gt=3B I'm new here=2C this is my first post. Cameron (=
       Floodgap) pointed me to<br>&gt=3B here. I had no idea there was a mailing l=
       ist like this=2C so I am not up<br>&gt=3B to date on Gopher developments by=
        the community.<br>&gt=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B<=
       /span><br>&gt=3B I've been obsessed by the Gopher protocol for about a year=
        now and<br>&gt=3B wanted to learn developing JavaFX apps in Java=2C so tha=
       t was a good<br>&gt=3B combination. Therefore=2C I've stared working on a G=
       opher GUI client.<br>&gt=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=
       =3B</span><br>&gt=3B I've posted an early screenshot on Twitter:<br>&gt=3B<=
       span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><a href=3D"https://t=" target=3D"_blank">https://tw=</a><span class=3D"ecxApple-con=
       verted-space">&nbsp=3B</span>(yes I should<br>&gt=3B have posted it on my g=
       opherspace too=2C will do soon). Note that I didn't<br>&gt=3B spend much ti=
       me on the layout out yet=2C I first want the thing to be<br>&gt=3B stable.<=
       br>&gt=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><br>&gt=3B=
        Right now the GUI-stuff works (tabs=2C back/next....) and I am adding<br>&=
       gt=3B support for more and more Gopher items (right now menu and text files=
       <br>&gt=3B are working)=2C I plan to add as much gopher types as I can. Oth=
       er<br>&gt=3B features that I've planned are good bookmark management=2C kee=
       ping history<br>&gt=3B and I'll do my best to make it highly configurable.<=
       br>&gt=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><br>&gt=3B=
        I know Java is not popular on the desktop anymore=2C but I believe it'll<b=
       r>&gt=3B be possible to release executables for Windows and Mac (not sure o=
       f<br>&gt=3B Linux)=2C not really looked into that yet. I plan to release th=
       e source on<br>&gt=3B GitHub=2C once I have ironed out some bugs.<br>&gt=3B=
       <span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><br>&gt=3B Let me k=
       now if you have ideas for new features or want to share your<br>&gt=3B opin=
       ion.<br>&gt=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><br>&=
       gt=3B Kind regards from The Netherlands=2C<br>&gt=3B Vincent<br>&gt=3B<span=
        class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><br>&gt=3B _____________=
       __________________________________<br>&gt=3B Gopher-Project mailing list<br=
       >&gt=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><a href=3D"m=">Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.d=</a><br>&gt=3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</s=
       pan><a href=3D"
       er-project" target=3D"_blank">
       n/listinfo/gopher-project</a><br>&gt=3B ___________________________________=
       ____________<br>&gt=3B Gopher-Project mailing list<br>&gt=3B<span class=3D"=
       ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><a href=3D"mailto:Gopher-Project@l="></a><br>&gt=
       =3B<span class=3D"ecxApple-converted-space">&nbsp=3B</span><a href=3D"http:=
       //" target=
       project</a><br></div></div></div><span style=3D"font-family:Calibri=3Bfont-=
       :none=3Bwhite-space:normal=3Bword-spacing:0px=3Bdisplay:inline !important=
       =3B">_______________________________________________</span><br style=3D"fon=
       span style=3D"font-family:Calibri=3Bfont-size:16px=3Bfont-style:normal=3Bfo=
       spacing:0px=3Bdisplay:inline !important=3B">Gopher-Project mailing list</sp=
       an><br style=3D"font-family:Calibri=3Bfont-size:16px=3Bfont-style:normal=3B=
       d-spacing:0px=3B"><a href=3D""=
       ing:0px=3B"></a><br style=3D"font-fam=
       px=3Btext-transform:none=3Bwhite-space:normal=3Bword-spacing:0px=3B"><a hre=
       " style=3D"font-family:Calibri=3Bfont-size:16px=3Bfont-style:normal=3Bfont-=
       cing:0px=3B" target=3D"_blank">
       Gopher-Project mailing list=0A=</div=
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       Gopher-Project mailing list
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) in development