From: "Gopher-Project" <>
       Date: Tue Jan  5 03:50:44 2016
       Subject: [gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) in development
       Hi all,
       I'm new here, this is my first post. Cameron (Floodgap) pointed me to
       here. I had no idea there was a mailing list like this, so I am not up
       to date on Gopher developments by the community.
       I've been obsessed by the Gopher protocol for about a year now and
       wanted to learn developing JavaFX apps in Java, so that was a good
       combination. Therefore, I've stared working on a Gopher GUI client.
       I've posted an early screenshot on Twitter: (yes I should
       have posted it on my gopherspace too, will do soon). Note that I didn't
       spend much time on the layout out yet, I first want the thing to be
       Right now the GUI-stuff works (tabs, back/next....) and I am adding
       support for more and more Gopher items (right now menu and text files
       are working), I plan to add as much gopher types as I can. Other
       features that I've planned are good bookmark management, keeping history
       and I'll do my best to make it highly configurable.
       I know Java is not popular on the desktop anymore, but I believe it'll
       be possible to release executables for Windows and Mac (not sure of
       Linux), not really looked into that yet. I plan to release the source on
       GitHub, once I have ironed out some bugs.
       Let me know if you have ideas for new features or want to share your
       Kind regards from The Netherlands,
       Gopher-Project mailing list
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) in development
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) in development
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] New desktop GUI Gopher Client (Java) in development