From: "Gopher-Project" <>
       Date: Tue Jan 12 13:05:04 2016
       Subject: Re: [gopher] Raspberry Pi, Gopher and UTF-8
       Thank you for your reply, Kim.
       I just sent a question about this problem to the Lynx web browser developer=
       s email list. I basically need a command line based client to view UTF-8 go=
       pher correctly from ARM low cost ssh server. I have tested on Raspberry Pi =
       (with and without ssh) but I haven't tested on Beaglebone Black, which is s=
       upposed to use the "real" Debian (compared to Raspbian), and I am not sure =
       if that has anything to do with the problem.
       I don't understand why the same client (Lynx) on the same platform (Raspber=
       ry Pi) will display UTF-8 correctly for http but incorrectly for gopher. It=
        means that the problem is not the computer or the browser's UTF-8 settings.
       If the Lynx guys help me I will share the solution with this list. Otherwis=
       e, I guess I will need to test with another gopher command line based clien=
       t (I will probably check w3m) or start developing one myself.
       -- =
       On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 08:53:53AM +0200, Kim Holviala wrote:
       > Hi,
       > =
       > Having tested different charsets across gopher servers and clients, the o=
       nly thing that ever worked properly was 7-bit US-ASCII. Yes, you can try us=
       ing others like Latin-1 or UTF-8 but the results vary and I'm willing to be=
       t that most users will get a broken screen (unless they know how to mess wi=
       th browser settings).
       > =
       > =
       > - Kim
       > =
       > =
       > =
       > > On 11 Jan 2016, at 00:30, H=E9ctor A. Abreu <> wrote:
       > > =
       > > Hi,
       > > =
       > > I am having problems to view utf-8 on the gopherspace when using a Rasp=
       berry Pi with clients Lynx and Gopher cli on Raspbian Jessie. For example, =
       the links below:
       > > =
       > > http link:
       > > gopher link: gopher://  =
       > > =
       > > On the Raspberry Pi, http link will display utf-8 correctly with Lynx, =
       but gopher link will fail to display correctly with both Lynx and Gopher fr=
       om bash.
       > > =
       > > On my other Linux boxes (HP Laptop with Lubuntu, AMD with Debian Jessie=
        LXDE) both links will work fine with Lynx, but Gopher cli will fail to dis=
       play gopher link characters correctly.
       > > =
       > > If anyone in this list is able to view gopher links with utf-8 correctl=
       y on a Raspberry Pi using Lynx or Gopher from bash please let me know. I th=
       ink I took care of the locale correctly, otherwise it should not display ht=
       tp link correctly with Lynx. That's why I think this might be an issue rela=
       ted to gopher.
       > > =
       > > Thank you in advance for your help.
       > > -- =
       > > H=E9ctor
       > > =
       > > _______________________________________________
       > > Gopher-Project mailing list
       > >
       > >
       > > =
       > =
       > =
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       > Gopher-Project mailing list
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 (DIR) [gopher] Raspberry Pi, Gopher and UTF-8
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