I've been feeling something of a groundswell in gopherspace this past week or so. As others (solderpunk, papa) have remarked, there's a lot of activity and a lot of new phlogs at SDF recently. The gopherspace at Grex is also growing like a newly-planted seedling. I really like the milieu of topics I find on Gopher: some technical, some personal, some creative, some cryptic. There seems to be something of a shared mindset amongst us phloggers. We like the simplicity that gopher brings, the organisation it imposes, the chance to hide underground, and the breath of fresh air. This mindset has been around for a while, but now I feel it's actually broadening too. We're talking about more than just gopher & gopherspace and why gopher is still relevant (essential reading). More gopher holes feel inhabited. It actually feels like a community here, too. Not just a 'we're all in it together' community, but one with real dialogue going on. I know we read each other's phlogs, because we talk about them. I don't need analytics to tell me that someone's clicked on something, and I actually like that I don't have it. An audience made up of numbers isn't as real or as meaningful as an audience made up of actively engaged people. Phlog on!