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       [Illustration:  a confusion mish-mash of images, drawings, and 
       pictures, including:  a middle finger extended, the golden apple, the 
       emblem on the back of the dollar bill which has the eye-in-the-
       pyramid, a cannon with a mouth on the end, and so on.]
             |                 THE BEARER OF THIS CARD                 |
             |               IS A GENUINE AND AUTHORIZED               |
             |                         P O P E                         |
             |                So PLEASE Treat Him Right                |
             |                                                         |
             |                      GOOD FOREVER                       |
             |                                                         |
             | Genuine and authorized by the HOUSE of APOSTLES of ERIS |
             | ------------------------------------------------------- |
             |        Every man, woman and child on this Earth         |
             |            is a genuine and authorized Pope.            |
             |       Reproduce and distribute these cards freely       |
             |         P.O.E.E. -- Head Temple, San Francisco          |
        A =POPE= is someone who is not under the authority of the authorities
       [Illustration:  a block of stone
       with a hole in the center, and 
       through the hole an eye is peering
       out.  Written on the stone are
       the words, "THOU ART WHOLE"]                                       O K